California - Northern

@attimus you are really close. I'd appreciate it if you'd take them when I am ready to move. Today I'm going to look at places and start planning. I'm moving out may or June and I'd love for them to have a great home. Thank you for doing this. Their names are Oreo and Cookie.

Today I got my biggest egg ever from my flock, 93 grams (all the way on the right).
I candled it & it's a double-yolker!
And so is the marans egg to it's left.
Not sure which one laid it - maybe my big cuckoo orp?
wow! That is a big one! I have never gotten any double yolkers.

The broody crew took the littles out for some sunshine yesterday so I finally got a good count - every egg hatched! 19 chicks with the broodies and 15 in the house; plus the NYD group in the garage...anyone want some bantam Cochin or Cochin/Silkie chicks?
That is awesome!
All broody hatched?

Do you remember this little one who hatched the day after Christmas?

5 weeks old today and I wanted to ask what you thought about sex. We named it Abel and it has had a fairly prominent little comb

This is Abel at about 9 days old you can see comb

but unlike its hatchmates who are bruisers with thick legs very pink combs and wattles already. Abel's comb development has been slow and it has not pinked up

Obviously we are hoping this baby is a pullet so please be gentle if you think otherwise: Able's dad is a Langshan, mom is a ??

That is great that it has recovered so well! I see wattles too though. Looks like a football player with that eye black under its eyes....

so i got my eggs today. they all my messed up aircells and two have completely detached. one i think is a double yolk but im not sure. but they are americauna X jersery giant,BCM X jersey giant and serama
Awww....I hope they al settle well for you and are OK. You are going to let them sit for a day or so before incubating aren't you?

I have a feeling that it's going to be awfully slow in here tomorrow. :)
Me too!

I know it's a long shot but I'm looking for bantam cuckoo maran and bantam welsummer hens. I'm in San Francisco but I'm willing to drive a little ways to pick up the perfect birds

I have a shipment of silkie chicks (white, black and buff) coming mid February, if anyone is interested I'm sure to have more then I plan on keeping ultimately.
Welcome to the group!!! Hope you are able to find what you are looking for!

Quote: Hope you get a great hatch! I am starting to get the itch myself!

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