California - Northern

Did I hear people say that they use PDZ in their hen house?

Yes :) It is safe for chickens, house birds, reptiles, cats, dogs, goats, llamas, etc. I have no personal experience with it but was curious so I looked on their website, Hopefully we are talking about the same product. It also has household uses.
Karen I'd be interested in the black ameracuana rooster. I have splash marans and olive eggs coming. He'd be a good cross. Plus how the seeds to the cat claw plant coming along. I need some of those....Call me .
You are welcomed to him Sue. He is a high performer. Most Ameraucaunas chick I get are black . I will have Aaron catch him up for you. We set up the old BCM pen as a feeding station for the free rangers so the alley gate & that pen gate stay open for them. They should be easy to catch. Raymond says the Delaware rooster has taken up roosting in the wood shop.....LOL
Neal and I may be intereseted in the Del
As I said in a previous post husband says the Delli rooster has started roosting in the wood shop since we put him out as free range. Ari my very old free range EE is my Yardmaster & has been free range for years & always will be. He is the one I hatched out of a huge very blue egg many years ago. I will miss him when he passes. Nothing bothers the full grow free rangers but babies here do not make it free ranging.
The OEs hatched 04/20 & 4/21so they're 1 week shy of 3 months.

Here are the 2 silkies that hatched - LOVE love love their color - I think I have 1 boy (on L) & 1 girl (on R) but we are talking silkies here so...

Here are the d'anvers (4 of 4 eggs hatched

I think it's 1 boy, 3 girls

The Silkies turned out really pretty! I would say the darker one is a boy and the lighter one a girl. They look to be blue partridge on the boy and possibly a dark porcelain on the girl. You are right on the d'Anvers, 1 boy and 3 girls. Looks like they are out of my Mille Fleur rooster.

Thanks for posting pictures! I love to see how they turn out.
My 3month old pullets are pecking at my two polish top hats heads. I don't see them doing it during the day. They have broken feathers and doesn't look too bad yet but I think I should separate them. I have twelve young pullets. I think their roost box is too small now for all of them. Can I just stick these two in a large dog crate at night til their feathers grow back? Wonder if this will be an ongoing problem.

Once the others start picking at crests it will continue. Crested breeds should be kept separate from non crested breeds. Are the Polish bantams and the others large fowl. I only keep bantams with other bantams. Once my Polish are full grown they can stand up for themselves with other non crested bantams. My Polish are kept with Silkies and d'Anvers.
I appreciate the explanation . Ya, I'm having a time with these bbs. They're from 2 different lines so some boys are extremely obvious. While the others are not.
On the plus side- I did learn how to do crop surgery. It worked really well.
I'm telling my family they should consider me a dr now , but they don't.
But if the apocalypse happens and all of the people dr's are gone, I am ready to help if called upon

I just once want to say "I am a Dr, let me through"

I'm impressed! Good job!
Once the others start picking at crests it will continue. Crested breeds should be kept separate from non crested breeds. Are the Polish bantams and the others large fowl. I only keep bantams with other bantams. Once my Polish are full grown they can stand up for themselves with other non crested bantams. My Polish are kept with Silkies and d'Anvers. 

It looks like the one polish is doing to the other polish. Guess I need to separate them.
The white one s head look worse this morning.

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