California - Northern

There's a kiddie pool for the ducks, and we're just gonna have to keep the mist system on for most of the day (right now we just do it in the afternoon/hottest part of the day...but yikes).  I am gonna be getting some 2 liter bottles tomorrow, but I just put an empty milk jug in the freezer so we've got something, thank you!

Welcome. :) hang in there. I have a feeling this summer is going to be a scorcher!!
Oh my lord, what have i gotten myself into?

19 silver-laced orpington chicks with 5 chocolate cuckoo orps sent as packing peanuts.
Actually, its a dream come true.
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Oh my lord, what have i gotten myself into?

19 silver-laced orpington chicks with 5 chocolate cuckoo orps sent as packing peanuts.
Actually, its a dream come true.
For the New Years Day hatch a long, 32 fertile store eggs hatched. That is too many for my setup here so I feel for you!

Awesome chicks!

Yep, I'm here in Mountain View...We have four girls.
My Oldest Daughter lives in that area now. Her Boyfriend is a Google Engineer.

We do not see her much anymore and she misses the eggs from my flock.
I present Bartok (left) and Puka (right) my 3 week old PitaPeggers (Pita Pinta over EE's)

These have to be the friendliest calmest chicks I have ever raised.
Previous post was in response to having to put down one of my first chickens today. She had severe prolapse and was suffering so much she was just over 2 year old Buff Orp. Having put her out of her suffering is hard but necessary. Sad day but also the new chicks under my barred holland broody helps too
How did you discover she had prolapse?
it was very evident from how there tract was hanging out in the end something was ruptured and she was bleeding. She had stayed still most of the day too maybe if I could have attended to her earlier we could have done something but the top of her comb was turning purple the risk of infection and other damage was too great it was easier to say goodbye and end her suffering. Its sad to lose them but seeing them suffer is worse. I give the a good life the best I know how but they are a livestock animal in the end. She was never one of the uber friendly ones which would be even harder to do but after having to put down chicks earlier this year ending her life as I did was the right call and a little easier to make. She had earlier signs she might be prolapsed but it would always retreat so there was nothing to do. Tonight in the state I found her in I would have been surprised to see her last the night.
Ah, thank you. Yeah, when they don't putter around like their normal selves, you KNOW something is wrong...

I agree that we have a duty to not let them suffer. I'm an RVT, and I end up having pet end of life discussions with people fairly often, and quality of life, and pain is absolutely what I talk about. We have the power of life over them, and it is up to us to exercise it benevolently, and help them live as well as possible, and then end as painlessly or timely as possible. Prolonging pain and death is anything but merciful.

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