California - Northern

Well I guess I should say hello kind of fell off the planet for a while. Still have my birdies (way too many for a suburban back yard) and need to reduce my flocks. I have 1 -3 year old delawares, Pita pintas of various ages, a couple of buff orps (hatchery stock) and older CLB hen and EE/CLB cross that lays a green egg trending toward Olive and maybe a wellie. The CLB girl is not the best layer but lays a very pretty egg when she does. Anyone interested in any of these girls please PM me. Cant hatch this year without serious flock reduction.
Have an extra PP roo as well.
Hi! I'm in Northern California, not far outside of Sacramento. Question for you all. It gets super hot here in the summer - like weeks of 105-115. Am I crazy or cruel if I get a Buff Orpington rather than breed that tolerates heat better? Anyone else in the area have healthy and happy Buff Orps despite the insane heat?
Several of my mixed flock are Orpingtons they do quite well in the heat. I do have their water set to drip over during summer months. Most of the time they are in the shade of coop. I’m east of Sacramento
Well I guess I should say hello kind of fell off the planet for a while. Still have my birdies (way too many for a suburban back yard) and need to reduce my flocks. I have 1 -3 year old delawares, Pita pintas of various ages, a couple of buff orps (hatchery stock) and older CLB hen and EE/CLB cross that lays a green egg trending toward Olive and maybe a wellie. The CLB girl is not the best layer but lays a very pretty egg when she does. Anyone interested in any of these girls please PM me. Cant hatch this year without serious flock reduction.
Have an extra PP roo as well.
Good to see you back!
Well I guess I should say hello kind of fell off the planet for a while. Still have my birdies (way too many for a suburban back yard) and need to reduce my flocks. I have 1 -3 year old delawares, Pita pintas of various ages, a couple of buff orps (hatchery stock) and older CLB hen and EE/CLB cross that lays a green egg trending toward Olive and maybe a wellie. The CLB girl is not the best layer but lays a very pretty egg when she does. Anyone interested in any of these girls please PM me. Cant hatch this year without serious flock reduction.
Have an extra PP roo as well.
i just want to say i always laugh when i see your "signature" about the 12 step program! welcome back!
Hi! I'm in Northern California, not far outside of Sacramento. Question for you all. It gets super hot here in the summer - like weeks of 105-115. Am I crazy or cruel if I get a Buff Orpington rather than breed that tolerates heat better? Anyone else in the area have healthy and happy Buff Orps despite the insane heat?
I don’t have buffs but I have some huge Orpingtons. I have chic , lavender, blue, and columbian. I live in Stockton. I set up a misting system and feed no grain in the summer. I have lost none from heat but you do have to provide shade and a mister.
I am interested in some heritage barred rock
Hi Cali Peeps...:woot
We are pipping from Santa Rosa,CA. Some say that's not North CA. Oh Well! To me, it is pretty simple: SF = NORTH and LA = SOUTH
Who cares? I'm from Brazil you're all NORTH to me! :lau

I'm sad I missed the Pacific Poultry Breeders last weekend. I'd have loved to take my girls there.

Anyhow...I have a small flock of heritage chicken and I have a lot of fertile eggs that I am willing to sell or trade. Please let me know if you are interested in either :celebrate

My breeds:
- white orpington hen
- buff orpington hen
- lavender orpington hen/rooster
- silver cuckoo maran hen
- barred plymouth rock hen
- white cochin hen
- cream legbar hen/rooster
- ameraucana hen/rooster
- australorp hen
- white bearded/non-bearded silkies hen/roosters
- naked neck/turken roosters
- Sicillian buttercup hen
- Blue/Black/Splash Andalusian hen
- White face Spanish hen/rooster
- golden campine
i am interested in some heritage barred rocks.
Well I guess I should say hello kind of fell off the planet for a while. Still have my birdies (way too many for a suburban back yard) and need to reduce my flocks. I have 1 -3 year old delawares, Pita pintas of various ages, a couple of buff orps (hatchery stock) and older CLB hen and EE/CLB cross that lays a green egg trending toward Olive and maybe a wellie. The CLB girl is not the best layer but lays a very pretty egg when she does. Anyone interested in any of these girls please PM me. Cant hatch this year without serious flock reduction.
Have an extra PP roo as well.
Hey caychris, I love my PP , THEY ARE VERY sweet, good layers and don’t cause problems.

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