California Proposition 2

Happy chickens come from California!

Thanks everyone who voted Yes on 2!
I am not from California as you can see but have to let you know how this site never ceases to amaze me. My eyes were opened with the post regarding the Humane Society. I have been getting e-mails forever from them (even tho I have never donated to their cause). Today I got one stating "We Won!" Well after reading the posts here it is obvious to me I no longer need to hear from these people. Silly me had the idea they were linked with the ASPCA (which I do contribute and volunteer). Thank you for THAT post and will unsubscribe or block immediately! Good Show BYC'ers!
Chickens win in California!

However, they probably win even more being looked after by BYCers, worldwide. Back yard chickening is simply the best alternative to even the "best" kind of farming. That's my opinion, anyway. Yay for local eggs!
We here in California will continue to be one giant experiment.

In the meantime, I will try to advocate with the groups who placed this on the ballot to work to promote California eggs in California, so that misery is not merely moved out of state, and so that the chicken producers can keep their livelihood.

We'll see how it all turns out. Perhaps between California and the EU, a new caging system can be developed that meets the needs of the producers while giving the chickens a more comfortable life.

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