CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

They killed Clyde and my BBS blue pullet and one of my Davis hens. I'm sick. Just sick. Those birds were fat! No way they got out of the yard, but I'm rarely in my bedroom which has the only window facing the back yard. I hate that there's no constant veiw of the yard. We've been sick and I'm usually out there a couple of times a day. I've been filling feeders and waterers at night and the birds that are penned I let out in the morning and then close them in at night. I had let them all out. If they have a big pen like the SPPRs I keep them penned. I rarely let those out and do it when I'm going to be out there. That fence is tall. It's over 6ft. They've never ever flown over the short 4ft fence because they just can't. I have 3 Game hens and my OE roo who are able to get over there, but they've been penned up so they can't. Still they can only get in my neighbor's yard, so either way they would have had to climb a fence to get them to the alley.

We have lots of chickens that run around the neighborhood. They're always outside, running in the streets and yards and other than some idiot running them over on purpose (another sign of the intellegence around here) they just live happy and hang out. But my birds don't get out. They can't. Lil Jovi was the only roo to be able too and that's because he is so tall and huge. Doesn't take any effort for him to get up to 4ft. Actually I guess not that I think about it, they could all maybe get over the 4ft, they just don't.

The neighbor that caught them was asleep. He said he heard chickens, but there are a lot in the neighborhood. He said it sounded like maybe a squabble and he tried ot go back to sleep, but them he heard this horrible chicken screams. He said he looked down into the alley and saw the kids beating the birds, so he yelled down and they ignored him. So he ran down and out into the alley and by the time he got down there the birds were dead or dying. He called the cops and they showed up, but he said they didn't do anything. Then when he saw me outside working he came out to let me know. At first I thought maybe I had done something wrong or the birds were bothering him. He tols me what happened and then said if I need him as a witness, he would be. Then he said he has a bird's eye view of the alley and some yards, so if he's up he sees everything. He's a young guy in his 20's. He has a car that sometimes drives me crazy from the booming music when he's working outside or cleaning it, but he's always said hello when I'm out if we see eachother. I don't complain about his car and he likes my birds. He said he sees me out back with the animals and knows how much more like pets my birds are. I guess him and a couple of his friends like to watch the chicken antics in my yard. Wish he had been up and watching them when the kids came over.

Sorry, I'm just on a roll. Little kids being that cruel, just bothers me. I've made them stop shooting pellet guns at everything and everyone, but from now on, I'm not warning. I'm going to report them every time I see them doing something wrong. That person who calls herself a mom, needs to be checked too. She's a wack job. School starts next week and I drop off and pick up Makayla. They act like brats at the school too, so let them be their normal selve there, and that pincipal is going to be hating me like she does Vanessa. LOL
At least your neighbor sounds like he is nice and helpful. I'm so sorry about what happened to your birds...what kind of horrible people - I don't even know if they're people - would do such a thing? There is seriously something wrong with their heads. Wonder why they don't do something positive and productive with their time instead of inflicting pain on animals and their owners.

I wish I could go to that show in Stockton...I would like to meet anyone who's going there from this thread. I'll have to see though. I want to look at all the amazing birds although I can't have any right now. I just want to meet and see all of you and your birds.
My area is the high crime area. These people out here are so drugged out they don't know what life is really about. Lots of gangs and beating up mailboxes like it's some big deal. And killing animals and people is nothing to them. I'm so sick of this area. I have a 15 yr old that won't even go outside because of the gangs. Thing is here on my block, there are mostly owners. They hide out at night though. That's when everyone is walking the streets and causing trouble. Wish I had enough money to buy all the rentals and put nice people into them for blocks. LOL We also don't have the police dept in this area, we have the Sheriffs and times like yesterday, they had 4 deputies for the county working. No Sgt and 2 offices had called in sick, so 4. Th sirens alone prove they don't get breaks.

I really like some of the ideas that deputy had. Would probably cost me more than I could come up with for all of it, but some of it would be better than nothing. He also told me about a place online called I think Bill and I used to get a catalog or something from them. It just sounds familiar right now. Anyway he said they even have cages and things at good prices and some free shipping. That's when I figured this guy knows chickens or maybe game birds. I should have asked him.

Mechanic is going to try to fix my tranny tomorrow. It's not getting done the way the transmission mechanic wants to do it, but hopefully it will work. I lost a lot of fluid with a bad seal, so keeping my fingers crossed it works and this will be my last major problem with this car. Then I'm finding me a Honda and use it to drive all the time. I swear I'll have a tree growing out of this one through the moon roof if something major happens to it now. Gonna make a great planter and conversation piece. LOL

ChicksterJo how far is Lancaster from Stockton? I hope you find a way to make it. It's always so much fun to meet BYCers, especially in their element. Surrounded by chickens!
It is almost 6 hours drive. I have family both in San Jose and Modesto but I don't like staying there overnight. I would rather stay in a hotel

Hope you get your car fixed. It is so bad but I just got my license and I want to drive everywhere. Haven't ever driven on the freeway though. Freaks me out, but it might be better because there are no stop signs/lights ... just cruise (unless there's traffic on the 5 hah!).

I have not been to Modesto in years. I do not know what it is like anymore, or the surrounding areas. I think that it's great your neighborhood has some chickens running around freely. When I went back to the Philippines last year I was so happy...all the chickens were FREE! My grandpa's backyard was full of 'em. They roost and sleep up in the mango and tamarind trees. They are WILD though, can't catch one if your life depended on it. I am dreaming of such a place here. We are going to go look at land this spring somewhere in Middle Tennessee. I hope it is good...
Good luck to you both on your property hunts.

Yea Modesto used to be such a sleepy little town. My Uncle Ben lived there when I was a kid before he moved to Oklahoma. I loved that little town. Then my brother got in some trouble there a few years back and he called me panicked asking me to come pick him up late one night. Well I had no idea what I was heading into! I got lost trying to find him and ended up by some railroad tracks and all of the sudden these gangs just descended on my vehicle with chains and knives and what not and my son was with me! He is screaming terrified and before I know it they are about to reach us. It was an SUV and I could climb a tree if I had to so I just hit the gas and got out fast! I'll skip the rest of the details. I hate to think what would have happened if I had been in a little 4 cylinder econo car with no power.

That trip convinced the whole family that it was time to force my brother into rehab and he has now been clean for 8 years so some good came of it.

Jo it sure would be cool to see you at the show. I've had my drivers license for a very, very long time but I still love to drive. Long drives are my favorite but I prefer the highway. I-5 is a great road to drive except that parts of it are too straight so it's easy to get what they call "road hypnosis" which is a fancy term for so bored you fall asleep at the wheel.
Don't like to drive it in the fog though!!!
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That is scary! Unfortunately that is all I drive...a little 4 cylinder econo car (i.e. Yaris). I'm turning 23 this year (a few days in fact) but there has been so much stuff happening, going off to college in a big city and all that, I didn't have the time nor the desire to practice. I would like to do a long road trip, and my boyfriend has not seen N. California yet so he has been itching to go. I would like to get a nice used Subaru forester someday. The older model is appealing because it's a small SUV and it is awd.

Yes, I-5 is pretty boring because it is straight. The curves of the 101 are more to my liking, that and it goes along the coast. But it was fun to take that highway going up to Seattle when my brother used to be in the army stationed at Fort Lewis.
Yea I also love that drive up the coast and 101 way north through the giant redwoods is breathtaking!!! Seriously beautiful country up there. You should take your BF sometime. You 2 will have a great time!
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Posted this on the Egg train thread but thought I'd throw it here and on the Bay Area thread...since it's so last minute...
Incredibly last minute but I had to come to San Francisco for a procedure on my back today and I'm staying in the city tonight and am flexible about what time going home to Paradise tomorrow (have someone staying at the place to take care of all my animals). Sooooo, does anyone need eggs or chickens transported from or between the Bay Area to Paradise (Butte County) area? I'd be willing. PM me and we'll see if I can help.
Oh good luck on your procedure Pam!!! Sending you tons of wishes for a speedy recovery too!

It went well. I had a discogram and they're pretty painful because they put needles into the disc and you have to tell them which one's are painful. Doesn't hurt if the disc is good, but when it's bad,
! It confirms which discs are actually causing the pain and needs repair. Dealing with aggravated pain for the next couple of days and I'm not looking forward to the 3 hour drive home. I was thinking it might be easier if I had a chicken along for the ride!

Anyway, the surgery to fix it should be in the next two months. My husband was working down here so I was able to stay in the city last night and am flexible with what time I leave so if someone needed something transported, but no PM's. Pretty last minute but you never know if you may be able to help someone.

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