CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Oh good luck on your procedure Pam!!! Sending you tons of wishes for a speedy recovery too!

It went well. I had a discogram and they're pretty painful because they put needles into the disc and you have to tell them which one's are painful. Doesn't hurt if the disc is good, but when it's bad,
! It confirms which discs are actually causing the pain and needs repair. Dealing with aggravated pain for the next couple of days and I'm not looking forward to the 3 hour drive home. I was thinking it might be easier if I had a chicken along for the ride!

Anyway, the surgery to fix it should be in the next two months. My husband was working down here so I was able to stay in the city last night and am flexible with what time I leave so if someone needed something transported, but no PM's. Pretty last minute but you never know if you may be able to help someone.

Oh yea I had one of those before my spinal fusion. Um, it's not at all fun like the name suggests. The doctor was trying to give me a heads up abut how horribly painful the procedure would be, if they got a "positive" hit, and when I laughed he looked at me sternly and said "I'm very serious. I'm the doctor everyone hates. I never get Christmas or thank you cards from any of my patients... EVER" I still have the picture of the huge needle in my spine. They thought I was joking when I asked for a printout but they did it for me. I watched the whole procedure on the monitor. The room spun each time they got a positive hit. Man I don't ever want to have that test done again!
It went well. I had a discogram and they're pretty painful because they put needles into the disc and you have to tell them which one's are painful. Doesn't hurt if the disc is good, but when it's bad,
! It confirms which discs are actually causing the pain and needs repair. Dealing with aggravated pain for the next couple of days and I'm not looking forward to the 3 hour drive home. I was thinking it might be easier if I had a chicken along for the ride!

Anyway, the surgery to fix it should be in the next two months. My husband was working down here so I was able to stay in the city last night and am flexible with what time I leave so if someone needed something transported, but no PM's. Pretty last minute but you never know if you may be able to help someone.

Oh yea I had one of those before my spinal fusion. Um, it's not at all fun like the name suggests. The doctor was trying to give me a heads up abut how horribly painful the procedure would be, if they got a "positive" hit, and when I laughed he looked at me sternly and said "I'm very serious. I'm the doctor everyone hates. I never get Christmas or thank you cards from any of my patients... EVER" I still have the picture of the huge needle in my spine. They thought I was joking when I asked for a printout but they did it for me. I watched the whole procedure on the monitor. The room spun each time they got a positive hit. Man I don't ever want to have that test done again!

LOL, I asked for the picture too! It is pretty amazing seeing those needles in there...well, until they pressurize it...and then it's just no fun at all. The worst one was when he was trying to get in between the two vertebrae that don't have a disc between them. He said he almost couldn't get it in there.

Funny, the anesthesiologist just called to see how I was doing and we got to talking and he thought they would do some type of fusion but I thought the doc said he was going to do the x-lift....but the anesthesiologist seemed pretty sure I was getting a fusion of some kind...I should hear from the surgeon for details. I just want it fixed so I can get back to building chicken coops!

Well Medicine is always advancing but I think you have to have some disc left for them to avoid the dreaded fusion. But hey! I'm not in a chair anymore! I have lost some of my latin hip action on the dance floor though.
Just from listening to you talk I think you will do fine whatever you decide to do. You are a strong woman that loves life and I get the impression you might be a "little" on the stubborn side as well (like me) so a little spinal fusion won't stop you from living life! I know we are supposed to love complaining about our pains but I have to admit I do not miss that sciatic pain one little bit!!! I can't say I'm back to where I was before... BUT, that shooting pain down the leg (and hip and up the back) that kept me from walking is GONE!

If it is not the crucial weight bearing discs it is not that bad a surgery from what I've heard (well it varies from person to person and from day to day). The docs said mine were the 2 most critical discs that bear almost all of my upper body weight so the healing takes a lot longer. Well took a lot longer, I'm all healed up now (from that surgery anyway). Gonna put off any more disc work (I have 2 more problem areas) as long as I can. Trying to give science a chance to advance a little further.
Oh yea I had one of those before my spinal fusion. Um, it's not at all fun like the name suggests. The doctor was trying to give me a heads up abut how horribly painful the procedure would be, if they got a "positive" hit, and when I laughed he looked at me sternly and said "I'm very serious. I'm the doctor everyone hates. I never get Christmas or thank you cards from any of my patients... EVER" I still have the picture of the huge needle in my spine. They thought I was joking when I asked for a printout but they did it for me. I watched the whole procedure on the monitor. The room spun each time they got a positive hit. Man I don't ever want to have that test done again!

LOL, I asked for the picture too! It is pretty amazing seeing those needles in there...well, until they pressurize it...and then it's just no fun at all. The worst one was when he was trying to get in between the two vertebrae that don't have a disc between them. He said he almost couldn't get it in there.

Funny, the anesthesiologist just called to see how I was doing and we got to talking and he thought they would do some type of fusion but I thought the doc said he was going to do the x-lift....but the anesthesiologist seemed pretty sure I was getting a fusion of some kind...I should hear from the surgeon for details. I just want it fixed so I can get back to building chicken coops!

I still can't believe you described the discogram as just "pretty painful".
OK i need to find some eggs to hatch. Something that will sell. So what types of chicks are people looking for that can help me decide what to look for? I do have lots of FBCM eggs coming to hatch, so I'll have some very nice lines to off with some of those. I'm keeping some and selling whatever else hatches out.
I was nauseous trying to read that!

I'm glad it's over for both of you.

Kim the wimp

Me too, Yuck. I do all I can dealing with arthritis pain. Hope the worst is over for you.
Kim your sterling silver earring hooks came in the mail yesterday so now just to get a picture sent to you.....LOL
I was nauseous trying to read that!

I'm glad it's over for both of you.

Kim the wimp

Me too, Yuck. I do all I can dealing with arthritis pain. Hope the worst is over for you.
Kim your sterling silver earring hooks came in the mail yesterday so now just to get a picture sent to you.....LOL

Awe, sorry guys! My poor husband could hardly stay upright when the dr was telling us what he was going to do! I should have left out the details....but heck, I never learned to tell the short story! OK, we're back to chickens, eggs and gardens!

Here's our garden a couple of years ago. We have 4 raised beds.

We have this amazing deer fencing that you can't even see. It's about 10 feet tall.

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