CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

I also posted this on the No CA thread.

I seem to have become the chicken referral person.

Anyway, I was contacted from a lady in the Sacramento area that is looking for show/breeder quality welsummer. She wants to be able to drive to pick them up. I think she'd be interested in chicks through adults. If you have something available, please send me a PM and I'll put you in contact. I think she'd prefer to not drive more than an hour or so, she told me she talked to someone in Novato and she preferred to not drive that far.

I don't think she is looking to show, but she does not want hatchery birds.

She said she was working on blue wheaton AM, so she'd probably be interested in those as well.


Tell her to drop some of the pullets she finds off to me. LOL I wish I could help, but I'm not sure Cornelious is doing anything. I keep getting clear eggs. Then again, the hens treat him like a bothersome chick, so maybe soon. Hope you find some for her.
Do you have pictures of the Self Black bird? Is it a cockerel too?
Yes, he's on the left. He has red leakage and a few white feathers in his crest. He's bearded and has the smallest wattles of the three. I forgot to say their age, they're 11 months. I can get more pics if your interested.
Light bulb in the outside brooder broke and I've tried everything to get it out of the socket and all I'm doing is bending it. I've been at that thing off and on most of the day. I can't fit all those chicks inside!
First, make sure it's unplugged!!!!

Then try to grip the bulb base with a pair of needle nose pliers.

If that doesn't work, I've heard you can cram a raw potato into the broken bulb/socket and give it a twist.

Once again, make sure everything is unplugged FIRST!!!

I've done all of the above. I can make hash browns if I wanted to. Poor potatoes!

The lamp is fastened through a 2x4 and I tried to get it apart, but it won't budge. My poor babies are getting tired of me going out every time I turn around and they huddle in a corner. I got this thing from Karen and I love it, but dang it is made to stay together. I'm bending and breaking the fitting and trying not to damage the fixture itself, but I can't get it out of there. Where's the hair pulling smilie????
First, make sure it's unplugged!!!!

Then try to grip the bulb base with a pair of needle nose pliers.

If that doesn't work, I've heard you can cram a raw potato into the broken bulb/socket and give it a twist.

Once again, make sure everything is unplugged FIRST!!!

I would have panicked..
Sunny you wouldn't believe the shape it's in. Makayla carried it home by the handle. I had no idea a bird was in it and I thought she was going to drop eggs out. All of a sudden the box shakes and I hear the hen. So I grabbed up the box and held the bottom so she wouldn't fall through and we gave her the other 2 eggs. I had to put the whole thing in the dog crate, cause I was trying to come up with something and sat the box down in my kitchen. Next thing I know I have a hen running around the house and me yelling "Don't let her get to the door!!!" I'm still not sure who this bird is. I grabbed her and stuck her into the crate and box and had to leave, so didn't get a chance to really check. Is that bad? All I got done was take that pic of the crushed, dirty box and the 2 eggs I gave back. I can see her a little in the pic, but not enough. I didn't go out back today to see who was out. I have a Game hen, Juliet, Shady, my OE and Willma, my Wellie, who when I don't see more than one from far away or when they are flapping in my face like today, I can't figure out who is who. I do think I grabbed Juliet though. Almost positive, but there were feathers in my face and I just wanted to get her out of here.
Not terrible at all! Try telling 12 BCM girls apart! They all look the same. Well there are a few differences but not enough to tell them all apart.
Quote: I've got several of Pam's beautiful babies and they are gorgeous! Have quite a few roos in the bunch already though. Good luck finding homes for them Pam!
I've done all of the above. I can make hash browns if I wanted to. Poor potatoes!

The lamp is fastened through a 2x4 and I tried to get it apart, but it won't budge. My poor babies are getting tired of me going out every time I turn around and they huddle in a corner. I got this thing from Karen and I love it, but dang it is made to stay together. I'm bending and breaking the fitting and trying not to damage the fixture itself, but I can't get it out of there. Where's the hair pulling smilie????
Try the fat end of a carrot. They are tougher and don't shred as easy. It needs to be big enough to wedge in there well though. :-/

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