CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Is there any breeders near Sacramento? Particularly Orpington, Wyandotte, or D'uccle?
many of us up here . I breed penedesenca and empordanesa
awwwwww I miss mine. Beautiful birds Ron.
Want some eggs
When I have more space I would love to get some again. Keep me in mind, but probably will be a yr or more.

OK, folks, I was wondering if anyone is having meetups this year. Seems like we haven't had any in ages. I have a page for information and it's open to whoever is working on them, so think about it, find some help in your area and make sure you post them and add information to the page.

I need my AM chicks to finish feathering in. I was thinking I have a ton of lav roos, but now I'm not so sure. They all look like naked necks at this point. A couple of those combs are definitely rooish, but I think I actually have a couple of pullets. Just means I can't stop hatching yet. Oh darn! And didn't get many from my BBS pen, so I'll be hatching those out like crazy too. Now that I think about it. I need to add to all of my AM pens. Gee I hate that I'll have more chicks around. NOT! LOL
Last night I experienced my first chicken massacre. My St. Bernard has wanted those chickens in the worst way since we got them. Last night he got his chance. Luckily he only ate 2.

I suppose this is not the forum to give away a chicken-eating St. Bernard. I'm serious.
Last night I experienced my first chicken massacre. My St. Bernard has wanted those chickens in the worst way since we got them. Last night he got his chance. Luckily he only ate 2.

I suppose this is not the forum to give away a chicken-eating St. Bernard. I'm serious.
I am so sorry!

Where they your favorites?
Last night I experienced my first chicken massacre. My St. Bernard has wanted those chickens in the worst way since we got them. Last night he got his chance. Luckily he only ate 2.

I suppose this is not the forum to give away a chicken-eating St. Bernard. I'm serious.
get the dead chickens and put them in a bag and strap it on his back were he cannot get it for 4 to 5 weeks . He won't do it again.
Well, he swallowed them both whole...4 month old pullets. And yes, one of them was part of my favorite barred rock pair: now Betty has no Wilma.

Seriously folks, I'm rehoming this dog if anyone wants him. He's not aggressive, just has a high prey-drive.
get the dead chickens and put them in a bag and strap it on his back were he cannot get it for 4 to 5 weeks . He won't do it again.

Well, he swallowed them both whole...4 month old pullets. And yes, one of them was part of my favorite barred rock pair: now Betty has no Wilma.

Seriously folks, I'm rehoming this dog if anyone wants him. He's not aggressive, just has a high prey-drive.

Sorry that happened. Do a search for St. Bernard Rescue. They might be able to help or give suggestions. You might advertise him somewhere with a cooler climate, since it's too hot in the Sac valley for that breed.
Tying dead chickens around a dog's neck to break it of killing chickens is an old wives tale and doesn't work. It takes consistent training and supervision to break a dog of killing chickens. I have done it. Some dogs and certain breeds can't be trained to leave them alone, so it's either make sure that they never have access to poultry or rehome them.

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