Call duck eggs are beginning to pip, including the one with twins!

Awwww they are very cute.....
come on little duckie!!!
Is there anything I can do to help this little one? If anyone has any advice, let me know. I'm going to leave my window open and I'll have my husband checking it so he can come back and tell me. It doesn't look like where the umbilical cord was is fully closed. Maybe its sibling absorbed all the yolk?

Answers? Suggestions?

I'm no expert but I would get it off the towel if the towel is wet... my thoughts are that it needs to dry to ensure the bleeding will clot and if the towel is wet (as it appears) the evaporation will cool the duckling. If you can get the duckling dry and moving, get him to eat asap in case his sibling did get all the yolk sack. You may need to feed them meal worms to get it to start eating. If you can get it to start eating and through the first day his chances will be pretty good.
Have you tried poly vi sol, yogurt? Wrap it in a warm wash cloth and put it back in the bator. If the umbilical hasn't closed it should be kept moist. Good luck, it's always rough having a sick one.
I don't have any tips or suggestions, just good luck wishes. Also, if it was a double yolk it would have been impossible for the sibling to absorb the yolk. They aren't attached to both.
I am thinking warm and dry (although the belly healing may need some moisture), water with vitamins, love & prayers.

Premie humans get kangaroo care, where they are held against their mothers' bodies. I don't know if holding the wee one might give it some more incentive to pull through.
Oh yes! Pop that little one in your bra! It might help a great deal.
The feel of a heart beating and the body warmth will help lots.

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