Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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Is it dizzy and falls over? My Old Kizzy got like that and a special test was done on her heart and she had heart trouble so nothing we could do but wait and then When spells were so bad we put her down. I pray that's not your problem..:fl..I'm just sharing my experience..:hmm
She was falling to one side almost, we caught it, and held her. Her legs were splaying out and she had a head tilt.

She had a seizure a few years back. I though it was gonna be one of those again, but appeared not to be because she was aware of her surroundings and it didn't last long.

She has been randomly coughing. I had her heart listened about a month ago, but they said she was fine. I'm pretty sure something is going on lately because she moans a lot more and just seems more tired lately.

I will have her checked more when we go in for our heartworm checks here in a month or two unless she gets worse.
I also know she's getting older, so I do expect things to go bad at some point. It's just when and where. Hopefully she had another year or two in her, but you just never know.
I also know she's getting older, so I do expect things to go bad at some point. It's just when and where. Hopefully she had another year or two in her, but you just never know.
Definitely a concern. Just remember she has had a fantastic life so she is still happy and not as concerned as you are..:hugs
Dogs can be expensive. I have to budget for yearly care like heart worm meds and running the test. Some dogs are cheap keepers and never have a problem and some are just one thing after another. Here we have Lymes disease in many dogs, that's an expensive thing to treat repeatedly as necessary. It's one reason I have so many birds. There are less ticks in our yard now.
Yeah...our dog got Lyme disease but is now better! She had it several years ago.
You experienced no more flare ups? I have always wondered if the had flare ups or they get reinfected. Vet didn't know for sure.
No...not really. She limped a lot so we took her to the vet(this was several years ago) they told us she had it....treated it...and now she is better. I am so thankful that she has not had flare ups...
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