Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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Totally ask WV or Banty for help. I can help although I'm limited to my experience..Easy peasy and I'm great...:gig
I've set under 200 eggs total. I think anyone that turns to me for advice is either really desperate or delusional. :p My average hatch rate last year was 43%.... so yeah, stick with WV. That lady's got more information in her head on hatching than just about any book you can possibly pick up.
I've set under 200 eggs total. I think anyone that turns to me for advice is either really desperate or delusional. :p My average hatch rate last year was 43%.... so yeah, stick with WV. That lady's got more information in her head on hatching than just about any book you can possibly pick up.
:woot....:goodpost:.. :clap:bun
Interesting. I never noticed the differentiation between still air and fan forced. Thanks!

Maybe. :oops:

Very sweet Banty, and I appreciate the vote of confidence. But I'm not that good. We all have bad hatches on occasion. :D
I sure have been having bad luck..Your excellent with helping others..
Interesting. I never noticed the differentiation between still air and fan forced. Thanks!

Maybe. :oops:

Very sweet Banty, and I appreciate the vote of confidence. But I'm not that good. We all have bad hatches on occasion. :D
Right now I am battling CAM issues, so my hatches are consistently bad, LOL. Not just occasionally bad. Sometimes I only have a sad and silent batch that all died at lockdown. Yes, shipping does a number on them, but I wasn't having these last year half as much (even with similarly shipped eggs) so I'm trying to find out why. There's annoyingly little research on it. I tried switching turning methods to see if that'd help. Next I'm going to try letting them rest for different amounts of time.

I find it difficult to grasp how shipping can mess with development of a secondary membrane. Air cell, sure, but CAM?

Eggtopsies are all normal except for sometimes almost half the egg being blocked off by said membrane. I have very high development rates on shipped (100% once) but a good 70% quit at the end most times and the CAM is all I can think of. Some of that's just normal loss from being jerked around the mail system but I can't help thinking there's a way to get the rates up overall. Occasionally I will receive eggs that look entirely undamaged but they still end up with the same issues.

I'll be sure glad when I can hatch home eggs again; shipping is a bear and not a nice panda bear either. I think it's been a year and a half since I set non-shipped.
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:sick That stinks. When the lady from the health department came to evict my chicken children she said that she wants my stupid little town to license chickens :th stupid :mad: :smack town!
Those restrictions and permits are all about the extra revenue the town can make. If the local govt can find a way to make mo ey without too much of an uproar, they will. A few years back, I heard talk of getting oermits to pain the inside of your house.
I will do as I please regarding the inside of my house. Thank you very much.
@Brahma Chicken5000 and @MillersFarm isn't MypetChicken just a middle man for other hatcheries? So then, which hatcheries are actually offering the debeaking and dewinging, etc?
Mypetchicken is not a middle man, at least for chickens. They share facilities but that is the extent of the relationship. They own their own flocks.

They do also offer eggs from individual breeders. I don't know if you consider that to be drop shipping.
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