Calling all fish owners! Is this Tetra going to lay eggs? Edit: Solved

Setting up another tank is the easy part.

Raising the fry (baby fish) is the hard part.
They need lots of tiny food, preferably alive. TINY food. So tiny you almost cannot see it.

Terms to research:
hatching baby brine shrimp

An article that may be helpful:

Personally, I would not bother trying, because of the amount of effort it would be to provide the right food for the fry. If she just lays her eggs in the community tank, she and the other fish will eat the eggs, and that will be the end of that, at least until the next time she is ready to spawn.

When fish spawn in a community tank, there is a very small chance that any fry will live to grow up. If one does, you have a pleasant surprise. So don't count on it, but it is not completely impossible either.
Got it. I think it would be a fun experience, but I would also hate to fish a bunch of dead baby fish out of the other tank. 😖 I have a hard enough time with keeping my current tank clean. If it was simple I would go for it. I'll read up on it for sure, not sure what course I'll take.
Thanks for the help!
Oh, interesting. I did just look again after reading this, and neither eye seems to be "popping" out. They are set away from her face, but I think that all fish are like that? Let me see if I can get another photo. When I compare her to the male, I think her eyes seem the same as his. :confused:
What is dropsy? I'll do some Googling about it to, but of course the reliability of the source ins't always very good.

I read that. Thats why I want to put her in a second tank, so that when she does spawn she will be away from the others. They also said to fill it with lots of fake spawning grass to hide the eggs from the breeders. If I am not home or don't happen to physically see her start spawning, (can you even see them spawning?) How will I know to remove her? Will the grass even give any protect? Is it worth separating her? What are the chances I can do I right?
Here's a link to my thread on that forum-
Thanks for the help!
Yes, definitely do get another picture. Get some from above too.
Honestly, the amount of effort it will take to raise babies is really not worth it. You're going to need special food, a sponge filter, you'll need to cycle the tank first, you'll have to clean the tank constantly, etc. Then, you'll still need to find a home for the babies, if they actually survive.
Agreed, I don't think I'm going to do it. As a newbie hobby fish owner, I don't feel the need to go through all the effort if not not a breeder or whatever. I'll probably just let them all have a treat when she spawns. I've already struggled with keeping their tank clean, I don't think I'm up for taking on youngsters.
How big of a tank is it? A tank with a filter really doesnt need attention...i havent even topped my tank off in over a year just changed the filter
Do you use a biofilter or mechanical filter with active charcoal?

If you place objects that the tetra can swim in she might lay there. Like a cup or small cave like structure. You'll need Java moss or small clusters water plants for the babies to hide in.

This all done in her existing tank. You don't need special food for the babies, they generally scavenge on food debri and plant materials.
Your plant looks like an amazon sword...they dont do good planted its why the leaves are dying just so you know if you want baby fish id get guppies they breed and tend not to eat their babies my tank is 20g long aswell i have a male betta and guppies in it the other tank has female bettas and swordtails, heres my tank the little specks in my tank are guppy fry
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I figured. Those were in the tank when I purchased it from the Craigslist person, so I've been trying to milk them along. They seem to do better when I remember to add root tabs, though they are bearly making it.
I didn't actually plan to have baby fish, but when I noticed it looked like she was carrying eggs I figured I'd put the research in and see if it was something I wanted to try. Your tank looks awesome!

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