Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Sorry Ron, I already posted it on the Dark Egg thread but feel free to put it anywhere you want.

I bought 2 varieties of Marans eggs early this year. It was the only experience I've had with them and was egg-cited to see them.
I was shocked. One variety was at the color level of rocks or orps. The other variety was dark but lighter than my Welsummer's eggs

Her eggs were from some very well renown lines but it goes to show how quickly quality can be lost.
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Can I post this on the Dark Egg layer and OE thread? Some on there think Marans lay the darkest eggs even though they have very little to no experience with Penedesencas.....

Those are great eggs!
A very knowledgeable chicken friend and poultry author here in MO told me there was a chicken mag that posted some pics of Pene eggs from Ireland that were nearly black.
I haven't been able to find the magazine but would love to.
Sorry Ron, I already posted it on the Dark Egg thread but feel free to put it anywhere you want.

I bought 2 varieties of Marans eggs early this year. It was the only experience I've had with them and was egg-cited to see them.
I was shocked. One variety was at the color level of rocks or orps. The other variety was dark but lighter than my Welsummer's eggs
Thank You!

I have a Hatchery RIR that lays eggs as dark as some Marans. I often hear that "they were darker when they first started laying or after molting". Penedesencas seem to stay Darker longer....
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A very knowledgeable chicken friend and poultry author here in MO told me there was a chicken mag that posted some pics of Pene eggs from Ireland that were nearly black.
I haven't been able to find the magazine but would love to.
If you find it pleas post the link!

I tried to hatch some that were very dark, almost black. Sadly they were shipped and did not make to hatch.
A very knowledgeable chicken friend and poultry author here in MO told me there was a chicken mag that posted some pics of Pene eggs from Ireland that were nearly black.
I haven't been able to find the magazine but would love to.
I think I saw those once. with the heat tolerance I was hooked !
Guy are you able to ship eggs yet
I will send you some back well crele that is
Sorry Ron, I already posted it on the Dark Egg thread but feel free to put it anywhere you want.

I bought 2 varieties of Marans eggs early this year. It was the only experience I've had with them and was egg-cited to see them.
I was shocked. One variety was at the color level of rocks or orps. The other variety was dark but lighter than my Welsummer's eggs

Her eggs were from some very well renown lines but it goes to show how quickly quality can be lost.
ive posted my empordanesa as well there
if anyone wants any I am worming tomorrow but the last few days have collected 11 crele eggs I can ship Tuesday
will not have any for a few more weeks so claim them now lol
cheap to fellow pene breeders basically the shipping and a few extra bucks for bubble wrap
It is time for some Penedesenca cuteness!

These are from Our fly Babies and are Partridge Penedesencas and one Wheaten. There are also some random Horstman SC RIRs and a Partridge Rock lurking in the pictures:


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