Calling All Rabbit Nutters

I scrolled and found this poor thing.
personally I feel adopting is better than breeding- here in the UK the majority of our rabbits dont make it to 5 years despite the lifespan of 8-12 years+
simply due to neglect. Most of these bunnies arent spayed, and 80% of unspayed rabbits develop reproductive cancer by 5 years. It's pretty sad. Meanwhile we have dozens of chain petstores and mill breeders and backyard breeders who throw out hundreds of bunnies each year to the general public, while hundreds more sit abandoned in animal shelters. I'm sure plenty of breeders are awesome people with awesome care, but I still feel there are simply enough bunnies in desparate need.

Getting a baby is more than appealing, theyre adorable and easily tamed and its fun to see them grow. But when you want a pet rabbit and are truly committed to that animals wellbeing, I think its simply kinder to adopt. Sadly most people want a cute baby bun, not an adult, and when they realise they dont stay cute and small forever (unless its a dwarf) I observe most people getting bored.

I believe this even more firmly since rescuing Bonnie. She was a cute pet for the kids to enjoy, and then they got bored and she got wild and then she got chucked out.
Idk. Just sharing my thoughts.
Oh i agree definitely, in some aspects. Here animals of all breeds are that way and its very sad to see. I have a small homestead we live off and no matter what the animals are for they are all cared for with love. I have a few rescued buns i have taken in over time and got them back to health. Although there are some good breeders i know, they have too much to tend to so overtime the conditions the rabbits live in are unpleasant. All my buns live outside and pens get cleaned daily.

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