Calling all veterans and family members. Allies too.

My FIL is a veteran who served in Vietnam and I also have a brother in law who served the same. One was in the Navy and one in the Army and both returned home. Our family currently has a nephew on leave from Afganistan after two years and many friends that have sons and daughters who forever have our thanks and gratitude.
My many thanks go out to all of our armed forces on this day.
Ken was a Marine too. And don't EVER call them ex-marine. SHEESH!!!!

No kidding. LOL My DH is a former Marine. Never say was a Marine. Once a Marine Always a Marine. My middle DS believes he will be a Marine one day. He is 14 now, so we will see if he follows in dad's footsteps. We have a very good family friend who is still serving, is currently home, but has seen his share of war. My sister and BIL have been in the Air Force. My DH's brother is a former Marine and their dad served in the Army. May God Bless all the men and women who serve and have served this great nation!
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My husband retired this year after over twenty years in the Air Force. My sister is in the Air Force. Her husband retired from the Air Force. My brother was in the Army. My dad was in the Army. I grew up around Fort Bragg.
Yes, thank you to all my fellow Veterans and their families.

USN May 1965 to April 1972 USS Thomas Jefferson SSBN 618, Polaris Sub.



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