calling any one from missouri

JNJ Very nice looking. Maybe someday I can have enough supplies and gumption to get a nice looking DIY myself. Right now conetent with what I have made. Works and thats the important part for me. Was gonna build a plywood 1 but that designe got converted to brooder space when extra eggs came into equation.

Guineas still popping up to about a dz keets from Broody eggs I snagged couple days back.
Ducks not being cooperative on hatching. Early quitters it looks like. But since I have til Waddles stops laying to keep trying I won't fret to much this year. At least for now.

Still haven't got going on barn project. But soon I hope. Older kids will be out of Summer school/home from college classes end of month so they can help with lil ones and some of the building. Hoping some of my guineas sell soon, wanna use the $$ for hardware to build with. That way the birds are paying for their future. or future sibs/babies.

Check back later
How much for you guineas and what kind do you have?
I only have pearl grays and pearl whites as parent stock. Most keets are looking to be grays but have some whites in the bunch. I have them listed on CL for $4 each. Which I think is fair, cheaper than hatcher stock and mine are from birds that have survived MO unreliable weather. Not to mention some minimum orders thru hatcheries are 15-30 keets, non mixable. And thats the going rate in my area for keets. I have around 20 that were born on/around the 8th of this month and in the process of some hatching now. Up to 14 of these. I can not shi them because I am not NPIP cert yet. But might be able to work out transport or meeting within a decent distance if I sold a good amount of them.
Hi chickendeal this is peanut saw your post to some one else and was wondering if you still was interested in what we had talked about . Do you still want what I am hatching? I have around 80 in the incubator Just found another nest yesterday. sure have a good hatch so please let me know, because if you don't want them I will have to found some one else to sell them to thanks
I only have pearl grays and pearl whites as parent stock. Most keets are looking to be grays but have some whites in the bunch. I have them listed on CL for $4 each. Which I think is fair, cheaper than hatcher stock and mine are from birds that have survived MO unreliable weather. Not to mention some minimum orders thru hatcheries are 15-30 keets, non mixable. And thats the going rate in my area for keets. I have around 20 that were born on/around the 8th of this month and in the process of some hatching now. Up to 14 of these. I can not shi them because I am not NPIP cert yet. But might be able to work out transport or meeting within a decent distance if I sold a good amount of
That is a great price!

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