calling any one from missouri

I usually put a "friend" in with anyone in sickbay. That way they have a partner when they rejoin the flock. I think it is less stressful that way. HOwever, in your case it would have to be a chick that wasn't going to inflict further damage. With my turkeys, when one had a bad head injury, I kept them inside for about 4 or 5 days.

I don't know why I quit getting alerts on this thread. I was checking back to see if your chicks arrived yet. I see that they have! How goes their coop? Chicks are so much fun to watch and interact with. Make sure you interact with them. It helps make them people friendlier, I think.
Hi Karen - I think a buddy is a good idea. I had the Polish in the yard yesterday with my most easy going chick who started to peck her head again! So I put the cage in the coop anyway so at least she has some protection from the others. Really wanted to get out though. I ll try her with another potential buddy tomorrow and see what happens. It makes a lot of sense!
Wow!! 802 pages and over 8,000 posts! Lots of people from Missouri with chickens!

Well, this former Michigander just married a lifelong Missouri woman and the first thing we did when we bought our first house together a few months ago was get some chicks. 20 Buffs and 12 Hoover Black Sex Links. Lost one of the Hoover Blacks the first day, but all of the others are doing great! My wife never expected me to basically take over the care of them. When she was a little girl and they had them, they expected about a 10-20% fallout, but in my mind, one loss is too many! I recently nursed a sick one back to health and now she is almost a "house chicken". Now we are no way set up to keep 31 full size hens on our little 3 acre lot (2 acres of woods), so I have accepted eating a few and maybe selling a few. We want to eventually end up with about 10 layers.

They are kind of addictive ;-) Now that the Blacks and the Buffs are about 9 weeks and losing some of their cuteness, we decided that we had to have some of the Bantams from our local Rural King. Now, talk about cute!! Those little puff balls have stole my heart!

Enough rambling, I just wanted to thank everyone here - I have spent the last few months reading several posts and learning a great deal about raising chicks and I am even planning on making my own booder this weekend based on a design I saw on this site!

I'll post some pictures and probably end up being a regular contributor since I can't seem to get enough of them darn silly chickens!

Wow!! 802 pages and over 8,000 posts! Lots of people from Missouri with chickens!

Well, this former Michigander just married a lifelong Missouri woman and the first thing we did when we bought our first house together a few months ago was get some chicks. 20 Buffs and 12 Hoover Black Sex Links. Lost one of the Hoover Blacks the first day, but all of the others are doing great! My wife never expected me to basically take over the care of them. When she was a little girl and they had them, they expected about a 10-20% fallout, but in my mind, one loss is too many! I recently nursed a sick one back to health and now she is almost a "house chicken". Now we are no way set up to keep 31 full size hens on our little 3 acre lot (2 acres of woods), so I have accepted eating a few and maybe selling a few. We want to eventually end up with about 10 layers.

They are kind of addictive ;-) Now that the Blacks and the Buffs are about 9 weeks and losing some of their cuteness, we decided that we had to have some of the Bantams from our local Rural King. Now, talk about cute!! Those little puff balls have stole my heart!

Enough rambling, I just wanted to thank everyone here - I have spent the last few months reading several posts and learning a great deal about raising chicks and I am even planning on making my own booder this weekend based on a design I saw on this site!

I'll post some pictures and probably end up being a regular contributor since I can't seem to get enough of them darn silly chickens!


Hi Tom :frow Welcome to BYC. We are glad you are here. Can't wait to see your pictures.
Hi Tom, I'm also a newbie here. Been in Missouri since 1978. My chicks are a bit over a week old, so changing rapidly. Had to cover their box last night as they are starting to discover their wings. Hysterical watching them. Mine are still a bit leery of being held hopefully the weekend will provide more attention time for them, as won't be at work much of the day.
Here are the little Baniies!

They are soooo tiny! Been cleaning up a lot of pasty butt. I've got a routine now where I run them under a stream of warm water in the basement sink faucet until it's all gone, then I use my wife's blow dryer to dry them up (it also makes them extra fluffy!). They don't like it, but I look at their complaining as good exercise ;-)

I'm going to dig up the pictures of the Buffs and the Blacks and post those next.

End of the chicks 1st week home. Can't believe how much they have grown and they are beginning to feather out: the EE's more than the other 2 but the Barred Rock's wings are beautiful, the tinier Australorp has 3 pure white feathers on each of her tiny wings. The mild mannered EE's have now become bossy and I think one will become the head hen.

I'm going to try them on some hard boiled eggs today. I also need to devise a bigger brooder out of 2 boxes and move them; the rate they are growing they may be too big for their current one by the end of the week! I also decreased the temp about 5 degrees and they are doing fine with it. l am also slowly decreasing the amount of nutra drench in their water as they seem to all be doing fine.

I'll be cutting and painting pieces for my coop and hauling dirt to complete the leveling--hot and humid so will be slow going for me. This sandwiched in-between triplet grandsons's ball tourney games.
These chicks are hysterical! Gave them a small saucer with 1/2 of a chopped hard boiled egg. They ran to the opposite end and yelled at it for about 5 minutes then one went and stood on it. they took turns doing that for awhile and one finally pecked at it, went in a corner and chattered for bit when another tried it. Slowly they all did and discussed this stuff after a taste and then they all attacked it.

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