calling any one from missouri

We got .7" rain in 30 minutes this afternoon. I was standing in a shed where I could see the chickens. The adults went in the coop, Moonshine and her chicks went in as well, but my incubator chicks all huddled in a corner of the run, terrified. There is a tree there, but it was little shelter from the heavy rain. They could have gone in their coop, or under it, but they didn't. It has not rained on them during their 3 weeks in the new coop/run so this was a new experience. I was surprised at their reaction.
I ran out there and picked them all up at once and tossed them in the coop, shutting the door behind them. My clothes were completely soaked. After the rain ended, I let the chicks out, and their feathers dried pretty fast....
Yeah that’s where I find them for sure... but I’ve known some folks that had them planted in a shady yard that wasn’t the typical bottom ground and they did well...

I do have plenty of shade... but I think their need for moist soil is the part where I only have one spot to try here at the house
My whole property is high shade. I only have a small space that will grow vegetables. The East edge of the property bordering a field is where I have my fruit trees.
Sometimes plants don't do well in places that are supposedly ideal according to the plant descriptions. If you plant something in a place that is supposed to be optimal for them and they fail, dig them up and move them somewhere else and they may thrive.
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A few of the lilies in our chicken run. A few years back, an elderly gentleman in our church who'd spent a lifetime breeding lilies invited us to dig up a truckload of bulbs from his garden and bring them to our place, as he was getting to old to care for them all. We didn't want to be greedy but we took several. He has since passed away and all his work has been dug up, plowed over and changed hands. We now wish we had taken many more! All we can do is keep them alive and the chickens certainly help with that, fertilizing and cultivating diligently! 😆 Notice that some of the blossoms have ruffles.
Oh I luv luv luv the ruffly ones ❤
(Specially the orangish one bestest too 😉)
My girl can't get enough of her Silkie. Who knew she'd love her chickens so much? Well, I should have guessed. I dont think she has met an animal she didnt think was cute or want to cuddle and pet. Glad the person we got her from gifted her with a Silkie chick!
Noticed evidence raccoons tried to get into the coop, so far it seems to have kept them out. Neighbors eliminated one trying to get into their coop. Another friend in the area lost 7 chickens in one night to raccoons. They trapped on the next night and are hoping it was the culprit.
It was strike three for a 4ft black rat snake today...

Around Memorial Day I’d caught him off the back porch steps and turned him loose in the woods... then I nearly chopped it up with the lawn mower down by the basement door... but got stopped and he retreated to the woods again... but today he was in the chicken coop...

I had zero eggs yesterday and I had a hunch a snake might be the culprit ... so I tried to put the broody hen and her chicks up on the roost last night... since they still sleep on the ground... but that didn’t work at all 🙄

... then this morning I saw the snake hiding in the coop behind an old chest freezer I keep feed in...

unfortunately for it, there was not a way to catch it because of where it was wedged in so I made it dead...

Right in the middle of trying to whack it, the pet turkey poult decided he wanted to help 🙄... so he removed a few crickets that came jumping out during the commotion
My girl can't get enough of her Silkie. Who knew she'd love her chickens so much? Well, I should have guessed. I dont think she has met an animal she didnt think was cute or want to cuddle and pet. Glad the person we got her from gifted her with a Silkie chick!
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Noticed evidence raccoons tried to get into the coop, so far it seems to have kept them out. Neighbors eliminated one trying to get into their coop. Another friend in the area lost 7 chickens in one night to raccoons. They trapped on the next night and are hoping it was the culprit.

That silkie looks a little spoiled, lol

I think she needs at least 6 more silkies so that one doesn’t get too spoiled 😉
I’m gonna just say it out loud and tempt the jinxes ... but it’s PERFECT here right now!

yeah I jinxed it, you can blame me tomorrow when it starts snowing 😉

75 with a slight breeze here


Hope it’s great in your neck of the woods too!
I’m gonna just say it out loud and tempt the jinxes ... but it’s PERFECT here right now!

yeah I jinxed it, you can blame me tomorrow when it starts snowing 😉

75 with a slight breeze here

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Hope it’s great in your neck of the woods too!
It was a boootiful day.

Here's some lilies that were bloomed at my moms.
Here we had the first bloom on the trumpet vine today...


And a pipevine swallowtail on a ditch lily ( think it was a pipevine one... there is another kind that looks very similar though)


And some day lilies... one had a tiny hitchhiking alien (it claimed to be an earth bug... but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen something similar in science fiction alien movies




Indeed it is a type of hibiscus... but the common name is ‘Rose of Sharon’...

We have a several purple ones and one white one... or at least for now... I’ve been replanting a bunch of the sprouts the last few years, so that if moving the big shrubs didn’t work out, we’d still have some... so we’re hoping one of those ends up blooming white too
If you need any white Rose of Sharons, let me know. We have the white ones and the purple ones.

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