Calls and Cayugas 2020

awesome news on my end. The construction guy came day b4 yesterday and did his test dig and we will for sure be getting a little lake built bigger even than first thought probably about 1.25 acre as a guess. Duckies are gonna love it!! cant wait for spring to be sprung. They can be safe on a island I"ll build until freez up and if I put in some aerators I might be able to keep it from freezing, over my head is just spinning its gonna be awesome.

It will include a swimming beach I will look forward to swimming with my duckies even if they are poopsie critters. Swimming is awesome it wases all the weight on my aching joints I'll spend hours with my duckies
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awesome news on my end. The construction guy came day b4 yesterday and did his test dig and we will for sure be getting a little lake built bigger even than first thought probably about 1.25 acre as a guess. Duckies are gonna love it!! cant wait for spring to be sprung. They can be safe on a island I"ll build until freez up and if I put in some aerators I might be able to keep it from freezing, over my head is just spinning its gonna be awesome.

It will include a swimming beach I will look forward to swimming with my duckies even if they are poopsie critters. Swimming is awesome it wases all the weight on my aching joints I'll spend hours with my duckies
I hope you'll share progress pictures as it comes together!
I'll try. We got lucky found a guy willing to trade the work for the logs that will have to come out of lake site and my wifes motor boat. Maybe a little cash If not for the horse trading we'd never have gotten it done. I"m stoked can't wait for it to start filling up. He seems like a really good sort he's gonna make sure the waste tree tops and stuff is pushed up where I can harvest wood from it and build brush piles for habitat. I'm excited can you tell?

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