Campine Chicken thread?

Oh lol, sounds like my battery hens, when's cat or dog gets in they lead a full on attack, my neighbours fox hounds got in, he has loads of chickens so they are use to them but my chickens are not use to dogs so then just ran for them, went for the eyes
Now you see why I am so fascinated with them. They are really cool little birds. I hope to get some more size on them through selective breeding and bring them up to 6lbs. That is what the standard calls for, but you can't find them that large. They are still small large fowl, but they should be bigger.

He, he, he, not too bad for a "surprise bonus" egg, ey? I just love them!
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To my opinion the current Campines have reverted back in weight and egg size to the original, old style Campines, being around 5 Lbs and egg weight 48 grams. Being 1 Lb and 4 grams less than standard. The founder of the English Campines Rev E Lewis Jones even stated that it was not wise to go beyond 5,5 Lbs. The standard of 6 Lbs probably was inspired by Campines with more Braekel bred into them.

See, page 5.
so here's a question, that i will try to get photos to illustrate later today -- i have three silver campines that hatched on July 25, making them about 18 weeks old now. One is definitely a cockerel, Frank, he's just recently started crowing -- the second I've been assuming is a cockerel, has comb & wattles that are nice and red, but not as large as Frank's, and hasn't made a bit of noise yet -- and my third is a girl, no wattles & still-pink comb, but she's also TINY, similar in size to a 10-week-old isbar chick i have growing out in the same pen. she was a weak chick when they hatched, and has never caught up growth-wise, although she has good energy & is very sweet.

so the question is, is it possible the second one is just a normal-sized pullet? or just a cockerel staying quiet because it's the secondary one? i'm not sure what age they develop their combs at, typically...?
My guess would be that you have two cockerals, pullets don't normally mature fast, they will redden in the comb and wattles just prior to lay and some mature later. The cockerals, on the other hand, will often start getting red before they are sexually mature enough to breed. This has been my experience, it may not hold true in all cases, but I would make it my guess.
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My guess would be that you have two cockerals, pullets don't normally mature fast, they will redden in the comb and wattles just prior to lay and some mature later. The cockerals, on the other hand, will often start getting red before they are sexually mature enough to breed. This has been my experience, it may not hold true in all cases, but I would make it my guess.

good to know, that's my guess too. thank you!!
I'm Carmen, from Portugal and I'm introducing to you my belgian brakel family ( they are brakel, but you don't have a brakel thread, i hope you don't mind that i post it here... we don't have campines in Portugal...).

I would like to ask your opinion about the chicken that is in the first picture, she is the older female, and the mother of one of the hens on the second picture. Can that coloring appear on a pure brakel, or she was definitely crossed with another breed?
Carmen, Hello and welcome! I am not the OP of this thread, but I am happy that you are here. The Campines and Brakels are so closely related and each are so rare that it makes sense to combine the two.

As for your question, it would appear that she is mixed, but that is a uneducated observation only. The fact that she threw a very nicely colored offspring suggests that may be wrong. I know very little about Brakels. Is that coloration common? Could it be a sport? I'm assuming that she was bred to a pure Brakel cock to produce that pullet, were there any in that clutch that were colored like her or any other non-typical patterned? I would love to see more pics!!
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The father of that pullet is pure, i saw him. And i believe all the chicks born were also pure standard ( i just bought the mother and daughter from a breeder). That's why i found strange that, even with this pattern, she is not pure.
I'll put some more pictures when i can, thanks for your answer Wisher.
I think I would ask the breeder about her and her pattern. He/she should be able to explain it to you, either way. I can't wait for more pics!

BTW- How do you pronounce Brakel? Does it rhyme with 'tackle' or 'Raquel,' or is the 'a' long?
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