Can a pullet have long tail feathers like this?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 11, 2013
Crestwood, KY
This is supposedly an Easter Egger pullet, but I noticed that the tail feathers are getting really long and curved... None of our hens have tail feathers like that, and I am now concerned that "she" may be a cockerel. However, our rooster does not seem to have any problem with it, no picking or drama. I would have thought if there was a cockerel coming of age in the flock that Mr Rooster may have something to say about it..

That's a rooster. How your other roo reacts to this maturing young guy is always a crapshoot. Some older roos are very vigilant about a youngster, some don't care so much.
Shes probably a he but I had one like that and she lays eggs now..the long tail feathers fell out..does she have a single pea comb or 3rows
Shes probably a he but I had one like that and she lays eggs now..the long tail feathers fell out..does she have a single pea comb or 3rows

I think it is considered single comb. This picture kind of shows it. Does that make a difference? I don't want to eat "her" if she might be a hen...

I don't have any males...mine have a single ridge pea comb...all had long tail feathers that fell out...does she have saddle feathers old...mine were pink faced til right before they laid.
I'd wait for an egg or a crow befo

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