Can anyone help me identify this little one?


In the Brooder
May 19, 2020
So, I walked into Atwood’s with a firm resolve to stay away from the chick area but somehow still walked out with two new fluff balls from the bantam bin. Introducing Butter and Beans! They’re 3 weeks old now.
Not sure what beans is, aside from the sweetest little cuddly chick!
Thank you! It’s nice to get a breed name so I can research. I know that’s doing the process backwards but I blame Atwood’s and the flufferbutts for being too irresistibly cute.
They are so sweet looking. I have to stay away from any store with chicks. I CAN NOT get any more. It is gonna be fine if they still do curb service when I need to get feed. if not and I have to go in ....
They are so sweet looking. I have to stay away from any store with chicks. I CAN NOT get any more. It is gonna be fine if they still do curb service when I need to get feed. if not and I have to go in ....
😂I’m learning this the hard way! I did my research, set up a coop and run, them ordered my chickens and was very responsible....until I walked in that store for supplies. Probably going to need to stay away from anywhere selling them in the future but I’m happy with theselittle suckers!
😂I’m learning this the hard way! I did my research, set up a coop and run, them ordered my chickens and was very responsible....until I walked in that store for supplies. Probably going to need to stay away from anywhere selling them in the future but I’m happy with theselittle suckers!
I hear that! My family forbids me to even look in the chick bins when I go to the feed store. I have been issued a formal moratorium for buying chicks.

And shoes. Can't get more of those, either.

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