Can anyone help please?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
My 12 year old son bought chickens this summer. 2 Long Island Red Roosters and 8 hens. To date the hens have not layed one egg and my son is getting very disappointed. We are feeding Laying Mesh and they have nesting boxes. What are we not doing right or what are we doing wrong? I hate to see my son disappointed and I do not want him to give up his hobby with his chickens. Any help please or suggestions?
They probably just need a little more time. If you want a reason for giving up the hobby, don't let it be this one. Hens start laying at about 6-9 months, depending on breed. If they're healthy, they should be fine. Just need a little patience.
Hello & welcome, I think your girls will be laying soon. Chickens start to lay 20 -28 weeks depending on breed etc. Then you moved into winter when hens usually slow down /stop laying. You don't say where you are, but if you are in the northern climes they will require extra light to encourage laying. Hook up a light bulb in the coop so the girls have at least 10-12 hours daylight/ light/day. My light goes on around 5am off at 8am when the sun is up. Also, if they free range check carefully around bushes, quiet dark areas, nooks & crannies to make sure they aren't laying anywhere else. Just 'cos they have nesting boxes doesn't mean they will use them!
Have patience, your girls will reward you soon,
I remember what it was like when i started keeping hens last year i was such an impatient kid waitibg for them lay. One of my new bantams laid for the first time this week and i grinned for days. Im 29 lol
Recently I read that if chicks are hatched after the summer solstice (June 21), they will not lay until the following spring, no matter what. Does that apply in your chickens' case LadyofBlade42?
Everyone that has posted has really helped me out. I live in Delaware and of course we have had a rough winter. I haven't allowed them to free roam yet as I am not sure if they stay in our yard or not. However our hens were 4 months old when we purchased them. After reading all the positive post I am not going to allow my son to give up hope. Will just explain to him that we have to be patient. We have never raised chickens before so all this is new to us. All of you are the best..!!! Thanks for helping me and my son out..!!!

Wife's tale. Mine were hatched the first week of Sept. and started laying the first week of Jan. Ladyofblade, here's hoping that yours will start up soon.

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