Can Anyone Identify His Breed?

Basically, a red sex link is a red rooster over a silver or white hen. There are other factors, but that's the gist of it. The girls are gold/red and the boys are white and get red shoulders. Again, that's very basic. Many different breeds can be used, for both the rooster and the hen. Hatcheries mix specific breeds and name "their" sex-link for marketing purposes.
Red&Yellow :

Red sex-link is any bird that has a female with reddish colouring. 'Amber-link' is just one of the names of a red sex-link.

Amber Links are not another name for sexlinks, like BirdNut said, they are different crosses. Red and Black Sexlinks are sexed by color, Amber Links are a white with Red leakage color in BOTH sexes and are sexed by the length of their wing feathers, feamales feather more rapidly. Here is the Amberlink thread and through it you can see pics of both male and female Ambers and their color is very similar for both sexes

trait has to be bred for and with their color, at least one of the parents has to be Dom White and thats where they get their white color from. They are usually a cross of a rapid feathering male breed like White Leghorns, ( thats were the Dom White comes in as well), and crossed with a slow feathering breed like RIRs, and that supposedly gives rapid feathering females and slow feathering males. Certain strains of White Rocks may be possible for this as well if they carried Dom White and rapid feathering.

But for the Op's bird, he could either be a Golden Sexlinks with dom white like from a Red roo on RIW hens, or an Amberlink as the roos from both of those hybrids look very similar.​
No conflicting information. Red sex link.
Thanks everyone for your info. Now that I have gotten educated on Sex Links I want some more!

When I joined BYC I thought I knew a lot about chickens, growing up on the farm they were just chickens to us. Now I am fastinated by all the different breeds. I've been bitten by the Chicken bug!! Thanks again.

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