Can anyone sex chicks by egg shape??

Just though I'd share. After researching the same rumour, I set 7 eggs all the most rounded I could gather over a few days from my mixed flock (so each egg was a different breed). I have now sexed the chicks at a day old by their wing feathers and I have 5 hens and 1 cockerel (1 died at pipping stage). I class this as a successful experiment! Please post up more results, keep this thread going...................................
We just set 17 eggs in an incubator today. I heard this theory when I was a kid in the 70s. My kids are going to be documenting the process thoroughly for their next science fair project. The hypothesis: Rounded eggs are an indication of female and longer, pointed eggs are an indication of male.

We've marked the tops of each egg with arrows (male) or pluses (female). After they hatch we'll mark each chick with either pink or blue, depending on the shell they came out of.

I'm fairly convinced that this is an old farmers' tale but it should be fun. I'll post the results when we have them.
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My chicks are just babies too, but I have a friend who has hundreds of chickens and he sexes his eggs by the shape. He only incubates the sex that he needs.
Clearly this sounds like a case of confirmation bias, but I'm going to join anyway...I'm going to hatch some babies for a friend and I'm going to pick the roundest eggs I can find....I'll post an update in a few months! ha ha. I think in cases where it sounds too easy to be true, it probably is!
mississippifarmboy, you made me quite literally LOL.
Just though I'd share. After researching the same rumour, I set 7 eggs all the most rounded I could gather over a few days from my mixed flock (so each egg was a different breed). I have now sexed the chicks at a day old by their wing feathers and I have 5 hens and 1 cockerel (1 died at pipping stage). I class this as a successful experiment! Please post up more results, keep this thread going...................................

Do you know they are such that they can be feather sexed? Many cannot unless they are bred for that trait. It's a misconception that all chicks can be feather sexed.

There is absolutely not truth about the egg shape determining sex. If so, then no pointy eggs would ever yield pullets and no rounded eggs would ever yield cockerels, but they certainly do.
What are the results? A friend of mine says he gets 80 percent females using this method! Must be true!:lol:

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