Can Chickens “snap” and lose their patience with a flockmate?


i wanna be a cowboy, baby ( HELL YEAH )
Jun 15, 2020
TyCo, West Virginia
So, this deals with the rooster side of chicken keeping and today there was a major shift in attitudes between my 2yr EE & 34 week old blue cochin. Maude, the EE, has always gotten along with other roosters and is very mild mannered, but he seemed to tolerate Blueberry, the cochin, less so than everyone else. Though, Maude would only chase Blueberry off if Blueberry was being rough with some of the hens and pullets. Today, though, Maude was full on chasing him down and spurring him. The only time Maude stopped was when Blueberry got tangled up in the branches of a bush I don’t know what could’ve triggered this shift other than we had a big storm yesterday, but could it actually be that Maude finally had enough dealing with Blueberry’s antics? Are chickens even capable of doing that on a conscious level?
She is your dominate hen and basicly is laying down the rules. Yes, they get sick of rude roosters and try to help them be more polite.
Oh, these are about my roosters. Maude is a boy, lol. I didn’t see the need to change his name, but I guess the same idea still sort of applies?

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