Can Chickens eat pumpkin

Just last night my local store offered me the left over pumpkins. I was wondering should I cook/bake those that I want to freeze? Or just put the whole thing in the freezer? Any suggestions?
My girls loved their pumpkin hot cereal this morning. I pureed the pumpkin mixed in hot oats and got the camera ready for the mess they made.
The seventh grade in the school where I work carved pumpkins...for over 70 kids! I let them know in advance that I wanted their pumpkin "guts" and I ended up with a 20 lb. box and a 35 lb. trash bag of innards. My 22 chickens went through the box today, and I'll be re-filling the container tomorrow. They hadn't ever eaten pumpkin before, but have had their share of butternut squash and didn't take too long to devour the pumpkin. They were certainly little piggies, as their crops were VERY full all day! They certainly didn't go through the layer mash as quickly either.

They will love it! We still have to feed it to our chickens,it is waiting in the fridge.
Did anyone else have chickens who weren't terribly thrilled with the pumpkins? I was so excited to give them this treat after we carved them, and they were just like gee, thanks, anything else? they did come and go to it, but i got the feeling they just ate it because there was nothing better to do.
The question is not CAN chickens eat pumpkin, its how FAST can they eat it.

I wish we had picked up a pumpkin - I just love those roasted seeds all to myself.

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