Can Dogs Have Oreos?


My daughter and hubby fed the chickens a whole bag of mini M&M's that was stale. I went bonkers! Talked to the vet, and he said the same thing, dark chocolate is what hurts them but not milk chocolate. The chickens were just fine and suffered NO ill effects after eating the whole bag...yep the entire five lbs of it!

Moderation is the key, just don't over do it.
Well when speaking about moderation I could go eat dirt in moderation. Doesn't mean I should.

The point I'm trying to make is that it isn't something to worry yourself over to much of the OP gave their dog a couple of Oreos, sheesh.
I do agree that they shouldn't worry if they have already given some oreo's to their pet, but,a pet cannot choose what it eats and it is strictly up to the owner to insure a healthy diet. Even simple carbs alone, white bread, things with white sugar, hydrogenated oils, that stuff is so bad for dogs.... In my opinion I would never intentionally give my dog something so off from what their stomachs can handle. Corn soy and wheat in dog food is bad enough ya'll please don't feed your dogs our junk food! Lol...
Btw I ate a lot of dirt as a child ...
From what I have learned, it's DARK chocolate that's bad for dogs. And I've also heard 7 grapes can kill them LoL very random what WE. They can have milk chocolate in moderation. I've actually found (and hope to find again) doggie brownie treats - chocolate made especially for dogs
I actually think I found them at TSC or Wal-mart.
Feeding dogs grapes can actually cause kidney damage and renal failure. I'm glad you mentioned this! I have a friend who insists that "raisins aren't the same thing!" fact is, BOTH contain toxins that are not safe for our canine friends.

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