Can ducks dunk heads in electrolyte water?


Jun 17, 2023
Can ducks dunk heads in electrolyte water? Can ducks get a fever? My girl is panting and beak is very warm while the others aren't. I'm trying to get my ducks to drink electrolytes (fox attack and a couple are injured, vet appointment in morning) They will sometimes take a couple sips here and there of plain Pedialyte when I offer it to them in a small dish and put under their beaks. I bought Purina electrolytes that have vitamins in them to add to their main water to hopefully get more in them but was concerned about them dunking their heads in it (thier water is in a small bucket), didn't know if that's okay, especially with the added vitamins and yellow#whatever added for color. Why color needs to be added to duck electrolytes is beyond me. So for now I have their electrolytes in a separate dish and just water in their bucket.
I mix it right into their bucket of water. They’ve dunk their heads and they’ve been fine. I’m so sorry to hear about the fox attack.

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