can I give my chicks treats?

Personally, I do like to offer some treats for chicks to investigate. A slice of cucumber, a broccoli spear, a couple of finely chopped grapes or small stalk of kale, a sprinkle of oatmeal, etc. As @AllenK RGV mentioned they need grit to process foods properly. I usually place a small dish of grit in the brooder-they will take what they need.

Poultry Grit (crushed granite-insoluble) comes in a few "sizes" most commonly found is "Chick Grit" and "Poultry Grit". Even if chickens have access to dirt/soil that might contain small stones-I still make grit available. You can toss a little in the run or attach a cup to a post somewhere and keep some grit in that-they will take what they need.

Oyster Shell is a soluble form of Calcium. When your girls are coming into lay, provide that free choice as a Calcium supplement-they will take what they need.



You can use clean sand for them but the best is the chick grit that you buy at the local feed store. What I do is give them a tablespoon of scrambled egg and sprinkle a little of their chick crumbles and grit over the scrambled eggs.

You can try playing 'mamma hen' and tap the eggs with your fingers while making a clucking sound. Remember, they are babies and don't know treats from televisions. You may have to urge them on a bit or teach them how to enjoy treats.

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