can i have one drake with only one female

It really depends the ducks. If you aren't ready or excited about the idea of more ducks right now, I'd just wait and see how it goes. Drakes can be gentlemen too, you just don't hear us talk about it as much because people tend to come online looking for solutions to problems. It's possible they will be just fine together on their own :)
i am really amazed at how responsive and wonderful this site is!! everyone is so nice and helpful, thank you all!! i think i will wait and see what happens, if it gets bad i will most definitely get more ducks, but i for sure do not want to get rid of goose (my drake) because it’s not fair to him he couldn’t pick his gender baby and current pictures below! in the picture in the green pool i am filling it up i know the water looks low! :)
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I was thinking of using this approach also. it is a good idea!

When we bought our first 2 ducks we just assumed they were both male. One turned out to be a female. They initially lived in the same area until Lefty's hormones kicked in. Shortly thereafter we separated them and it turned out to be the best option. I would say it took Lefty a few weeks to adjust but overall he handled it well.
I have a duck and a drake . They are both a year old now. My duck has been setting a nest for about 3 1/2 weeks now, so naturally my drake tried going after my chickens. I had temporarily seperate him from the rest of the flock while his hormones are in overdrive. There's no way I could get rid of him. As soon as his hormones kicked in a couple of months ago I decided it was time to add to the flock. I now have 7 new ducklings. I'm thinking I may have gotten 2 drakes though, so someone may have to go eventually. I'm sure 3 drakes in a flock of 9 would be ok, but I would rather keep the peace if at all possible.

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