Can I hold my 2 day old chicks too much?


Mar 6, 2018
I have seen threads with week old chickens but I am just wondering about one and two day old chicks...
can I hold them too much?
I've been holding them 10-20 minutes at a time maybe every 1-2 hours and put them on my chest under a warm heating pad this morning for like 40 minutes and they were very comfortable (saw somewhere it's a bonding thing and acts like a mama hen) does anyone think this is too much?
Also they seem a little too warm and they are at a perfect 95 degrees! Should I adjust the ten or let them get out of the light like they are doing?
First off...:welcome Welcome!! Bienvenidos! Were so happy to have you.

Secondly, and the previous posters have stated, no, you cant hold them too much. I would be careful to make sure your hands are clean. I hold my babies as much as I can the first few weeks and I feel that it gets them well socialized to human interaction :) which is a good thing. Enjoy!:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
It depends how much your ambient air temperature fluctuates as to whether you want to raise the light or not. If your temperature cools off a bit overnight then leave it as it is as they will need a little more warmth during the night. As long as they have enough space to get away from the heat when they need to they'll be fine.
do you have any shaded area for them to sit? or an area in the brooder that is cooler? they can move in and out of the cool and warm areas as needed
I do have my light pointing to one side with my Themometor right in the light. At 95
The other side feels cooler but I wouldn’t call it shaded... do you think that’s ok? They are now laying back together sleeping with wings still out to the side. Do you think I should shade an area and what do I use for that?


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