Can I put my chicks along with my Cock??

They should be just fine left all together. A happy little chicken family. You can keep an eye on them for the first few days after they hatch, to ease your mind. If it seems to you that the rooster is threatening the chicks, you could remove him at that time, but I'm certain the mama will protect them. You will probably be surprised to find the rooster helps the mama take care of the chicks.
thanq people...

i'm gonna leave them as such... moreover, my rooster has been very good all these days.. he finds food for the hen first, before he eats, etc.. let me wait n see till they hatch..

jus wanna know one thing in addition.. should i provide the chicks with any special food?? or will their mamma take care of it??
They can all eat the same... layer, starter, whatever just make sure it's crumbles in the beginning... not pellets so the babies can eat it.
I just wanted to add another agreement. I've always left my chicks in with the rest of the flock. If the rooster gets out of hand, the mama will take care of it. I've had several momma hens give ME a run for my money when I went in to check on the babies. Sounds like you've got it figured out. Good luck with the hatch. Hope they all hatch!
thanq jadell for sharing ur experience.. i'm getting more of confidence now...

i'll let u guyz know once they hatch...
anybody out here.. who can find what variety of chickens mine are?? how do i add image here?? i dont know..
pls help out..
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Hi Bency,

Here is a page showing a number of different breeds. You may be able to pick out the breed, or to say which of the varieties shown your chickens seem similar to.

Here is a page about how to put photos on the forum.

It may be that your chickens are a local variety or of mixed breeds. If this is the case, please don't worry. Mixed breed chickens, and many of the less well-known local varieties, usually have very strong survival instincts, and are likely to raise their babies successfully.

I always raise my chicks in an outdoor pen, using a broody mother hen. I don't have roosters at all, I buy in fertile eggs or get them from friends. I expect the mother hen will be just fine with the chicks, but I would have a plan for what to do with the rooster if he shows aggression to the babies, just in case.

What do you feed your hen and rooster at present? The main thing with baby chicks is that the food is not too large. I had a broody hen that I was feeding whole wheat. When her eggs hatched (earlier than I expected) she looked very frazzled as she was trying to break the wheat grains with her beak so that they would be small enough for all the babies to eat. We all know that hens are not equipped for chewing up their food. I had a mix of smaller grain including millet at home, so I gave them some of these until I could buy crumbles. The hen immediately relaxed and showed her babies how to eat the small grain.

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