Can I remove to the hens, leaving a flock of only roosters?

I have the same situation. I bought five bantam chicks and they have grown up together. Three are roos. One of the hens passed recently for no apparent reason, so now there is one hen in with the roos. I tried to integrate the bantams with my standard chickens, but my Ameraucana roo beat up the little red OEGB roo, so I put him back with the other bantams (who refused to leave the safety of their separate run). The four of them have lived quite happily together for a long time.

That said, I have no use for my bantams at all. I got suckered in when I saw how cute they were as babies. They're still very cute, but they do nothing. I can't even let them free range with the standard chickens because my roo will beat them up. They just take up space and eat food. The hen doesn't even lay eggs, for whatever reason. I think I'm going to rehome them. That might be a good idea for your roos, too. Wouldn't it be great if 3/4 of all eggs were girls?
Very good point about the 3 silkies being the sexual focus of all the young roos! The only reason I have the silkies, is that they are my brooding mamas. And the only reason I am keeping the roos, is to grow to a reasonable eating size. I am heading out in a minute to enclose my 3 silkies within the "Red House", and moving the other hens to "Cedar House". 2 of my 3 silkies have been sitting on eggs for a few days now, and I am sure that the 3rd will follow (broodiness seems to be contageous). Thank you all for your input- I could have made a big boo-boo leaving the silkies free with the roos!
Hmmm... when my husband has some time, I could really use a few more chicken coops;)

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