can I use ivermectin on 4 day old chicks, URGENT


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Sophia, NC
Two of my very young chicks are showing signs of Gape worm can I use ivermectin pour on to treat them if so how much? Please help I really want to save them.
they are around 4 days old, the heat lamp is in a good position they lay about and don't avoid it or snuggle too close so I know the temperature is good. The symptoms of the two that I suspect have gape worm are not constant but earlier today I witnessed them shaking their heads and stretching their necks with their mouths open several times earlier today, one is a little lethargic but I have not noticed them doing it since then, I'm not sure how often symptoms would present themselves in a chick with gape worm.
the lethargic one is just kind of sleeping more than the others she looks pretty scrunched up most of the time, she still eats and drinks but doesn't seem interested in running with the other chicks. How old do chicks need to be to catch gape worm?
They are too young to have gape worm. Are you sure they are not yawning?

What is the lethargic chick doing?

x2 sounds like they are adjusting their crops (yawning)

Everything sounds fine to me except for the lethargic one. They are at risk for coccidiosis when they are baby chicks.

Feathers fluffed up
won't eat or drink
acts cold and sleepy
may or may not have blood in poo

watch for these signs
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Where did you get the chicks from? Did they have exposure to soil yet? Do you have other chickens where you are going in and out to take care of chickens outside? (Wondering if there are soil microorganisms being brought in to the brooder.)
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I got most of them from TSC one other came from a local feed and seed store. They have had a little run in the dirt but only once on a hot day, I have them on medicated feed and have not noticed bloody poops but I will keep an eye out. I always do this when I get new chicks I become that worried chicken lady who googles every weird thing she notices and consequently stresses about the search results. *sigh* I'm glad this community is patient and helpful.
I have the exact same issue with one of our americauna chicks, about 4wks old same size as started, lethargic, barely eats or drinks, fluffes up, i think coccidosis. Anything we can do if she survives the night? Just medicated feed?
I got most of them from TSC one other came from a local feed and seed store. They have had a little run in the dirt but only once on a hot day, I have them on medicated feed and have not noticed bloody poops but I will keep an eye out. I always do this when I get new chicks I become that worried chicken lady who googles every weird thing she notices and consequently stresses about the search results. *sigh* I'm glad this community is patient and helpful.
OK if they have been on dirt then I would be worried about coccidiosis if you still have a lethargic and fluffed up chick. It is a judgement call.

I have the exact same issue with one of our americauna chicks, about 4wks old same size as started, lethargic, barely eats or drinks, fluffes up, i think coccidosis. Anything we can do if she survives the night? Just medicated feed?
Medicated feed won't treat coccidiosis nor prevent all cases of it.

I give Corid to my flock for coccidiosis. If not drinking you would need to use a syringe to drip alongside the beak (don't pour it down the throat) some of the medicated water to ensure she gets some. I dilute it as follows: Corid 9.6% solution- 9.5 ml per gallon of drinking water and I mix a new solution daily. I give it as the sole drinking water for 5 days.

They also sell a powder and the dose is different. Corid is in the cattle section of the feed store.

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