Can it be done? Coturnix × Button quail


Never say Never
Premium Feather Member
Mar 8, 2022
Hello everyone! I have 3 male button quail, one of which I would really like to breed. I was considering purchasing a few Coturnix Celadon quail and trying to cross breed them. Does anyone know if this would be possible? I'm open to trying to cross breed him with other breeds as well. Please let me know what y'all think!
I think it could be possible, but getting button quail and Coturnix Quail to live in peace would be a real achievement in itself. They really aren't big fans of each other!

A Coturnix roo would squash a button female and a button roo wouldn't even be able to jump on a Coturnix female? Might be funny lol
They are different species, so even if they did mate, and if they managed to get a fertilized egg, the chick inside isn't going to be viable.

You also don't want buttons and coturnix to live together, since the coturnix are likely to kill the buttons. The size difference is significant, and both are territorial.
They are different species, so even if they did
They are different species, so even if they did mate, and if they managed to get a fertilized egg, the chick inside isn't going to be viable.

You also don't want buttons and coturnix to live together, since the coturnix are likely to kill the buttons. The size difference is significant, and both are territorial.

, and if they managed to get a fertilized egg, the chick inside isn't going to be viable.

You also don't want buttons and coturnix to live together, since the coturnix are likely to kill the buttons. The size difference is significant, and both are territorial.
They are different species, so even if they did mate, and if they managed to get a fertilized egg, the chick inside isn't going to be viable.

You also don't want buttons and coturnix to live together, since the coturnix are likely to kill the buttons. The size difference is significant, and both are territorial.
I have coturnix and button quails together they breed, one of the eggs hatched and it was half button and half coturnix.
Can we see cuz ppl have tried a lot and so far
Can we see cuz ppl have tried a lot and so far

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