Can Rhode Island Reds Be Yellow???

Its too hot....turn down the heat, get a thermometer and keep it turned down...if it huddles under the lamp, its cold, if it pants or tries to get away, too can kill them if it doesn't cool down
yellow hen(maci) looks like the first hen in your pics but without the white...kinda aLITTLE bit of black...tomorrow i will try to post a pic....and by bulb is a 250 watt...... and she loves getting out of her tub as if she can breathe again....should i turn it off completey or put a 50 watt bulb over her or what? i will bring her to the front room, away from her box and she lovews i should turn it off or lower bulb wattage?
Follow her lead, I had bought 3 EE chicks in the spring last year...had the brooder all set up etc...they hated the light! I used it once...after that I just followed their they stayed inside without added heat...just keep an eye on the temp, and her behavior. If she is by herself she doesn't have anyone to cuddle with. You can always turn the light back on, lower wattage, if that is what she needs. Below is a shot of the temp brooder I used.

thanks, and yes she is alone, 1 out of 18 eggs hatched...pretty sad huh? I think I opened the incubator too much

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