Can somebody answer this? ACV & Geese? Good or Bad?


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I have 2 Embdem goshling approximately 4 weeks old. I at this time have them in a coop with my recovering, injured hens. (one hen had surgery last Friday and the others have had gashes from my roosters) so there is nothin contagious. Anyways, I usually give ACV organic "mother" in it to all my chickens every week or so. I was wondering if my 2 geese can drink it. I wouldn't put in there buckets that they can dip their whole head in but can I put it inside all of the waterers in the coop?

Well I suppose you could but why would you want to? Do geese (or chickens for that matter) have a need for Apple Cider Vinegar, or do you just do it because it makes you feel good?
Well I suppose you could but why would you want to? Do geese (or chickens for that matter) have a need for Apple Cider Vinegar, or do you just do it because it makes you feel good?

Well no actually it doesn't make me feel good. I have read in numerous books and also on many post on BYC that lots of people use it as an aid in helping keep their chickens healthy. It keeps the gut working properly and supposedly a worm preventative. It is also an aid in keeping the intestines working properly as well. From what I have read, Geese are not as likely to have worm problems, and are pretty disease hearty. But I just don't want to keep my chickens healthy and happy. they drink the water just fine and so if keeping them healthy makes me feel good then I guess it.
ACV is supposed to have certain health benefits though your list is the first time I've heard of those things. It won't hurt them though even if there's no great good either.
My mom owns an organic pet food store, so we get lots of questions and do lots of research on natural healing. ACV has many uses and is very potent. It can be used internally and externally safely. Internally, it can prevent parasitic infestation of the digestive track and aid in digestion. Externally, it can be used to get rid of parasites and various skin infections (it is often used in the treatment of hot spots in dogs). When we got new goslings from a questionable farm, we basically soaked them in ACV during quarantine to prevent the spread of skin problems. They looked much, much better the next day.
Whenever my geese had digestive upset, ACV fixed the problem so fast.
Once, my troubled pilgrim female had a sour crop, wouldn't empty, and diarrhea, because she ate alfalfa, of all things. ACV in her water cleared it up really fast; within a couple hours, things were starting to get better. But use it sparingly.
Where about in Maryland does your Mom have her pet store? I have to go to Sysco to get organic kale and greens for my geese to eat when I can't let them out. They are still to vulnerable to let roam all day.

Thanks for the input on the ACV. I know it has benefits for my chickens but just wasn't sure about my geese. Thanks again!

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