can soybeans be fed to chickens?

chicken garden lady

9 Years
Jul 5, 2010
Just wondering if soybeans can be fed to my chickens. I noticed the nearby field has alot of missed soybeans after their harvest. Also if chickens can eat them, do I need to worry about genetically engineered seed? Most of the farmers around here don't plow before seeding.
This is from the pamphlet "Pastured Poultry Nutrition", available from

"Raw soybeans should not be fed to poultry. When feeding soybeans to poultry, soybeans must be heat-treated to destroy a trypsin inhibitor that disrupts digestion. The presence of the trypsin inhibitors will also cause an enlarged pancreas (a 50-100% increase). The side affects will occur at inclusion levels as low as 5%."
Absolute complete nonsense. What do you think free range chickens eat. I guess my chicken should be all dead. I feed them whole corn and sorgum.
According to the Mississippi State University School of Agriculture, chickens should have a diet full of corn and soybean.
raw soybeans are not edible. and like someone said they need to be heat treated before being edible to any animal. and i would still be cautious feeding soybeans to animals because they affect the hormones in both humans and animals-mostly due to the way we process them to get their 'beneficial' properties . many people are now allergic to the use of soybeans in food and around other foods.
Soy beans should be heat treated or expelled prior to using as a food.

Yes soybeans and corn are the backbone of the american diet (Both people and animals)

I personally avoid Soybeans in my families diet, so that means I avoid them in my livestocks diet. (It can be a real challenge virtually 100% of processed foods contain corn, soy or both...)


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