can they?

All I can say is awwwwwww!!!! He's adorable! And so tiny. I love your chicken who thinks its a duck very very cute. Silly chicken. I'm jealous of your daughter. It must be nice to go swimming or standing I guess lol. Been cold here in the 50s and 60s last 2 days but getting back to warm weather hopefully.
Looks like your duckies maybe blue runners? Or a blue Swedish. Either way its deff blue. And wow they are getting so big!
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Yeah except she wasn't supposed to be in there she has a swim suit to lol. I was cleaning the coop turned around her clothes were off and they were all in there lol. but know I let her because they don't seem to mind :) I know they are getting huge :) Hows you and your babies? I think its time for some new pics lol. We have been in the ninety's for the last week it was cooler today but still 70 it was nice not to hot not to cold :) its supposed to rain tomorrow but still be in the 70's
Lol at that age that is her swim suit well at least in her mind lol. They are doing good. They are going through a molt into their adult feathers so they look really ratty almost ugly lol. But not quite. I've gotta clean their pool tomorrow so maybe I'll get some pics of their adult colors coming in. Omg the 90s! It hasn't even hit the 80s here yet. And we just dipped back down to the 50s the other day. Crazy how different our weather is.
Lol u should see my Turkeys they are getting their big kid head feathers so write now their heads and necks are bald it is quite a site! I know it is crazy the difference in weather. Im on my second night of doubles I'm exhausted and my head hurts thought I would take a break and say hi! Anxious to see those pics. I'm hoping to be getting my new babies in tomorrow! Well have a good night talk to you soon :)
Lol old bald men. I bet that gives ya a good laugh when you see them. Thanks for stopping in and saying hi. Yay I wanna see the new babies! No new pics but since I have the day off I'll go take some today and will post them later.
I am so mad right now I called to check on my order and apparently they lost it so I don't get babies cause they are out for the rest of the year :( I need to find somewhere else to order them from
Oh no! They are in big trouble for losing your order. Now what am I gonna do without baby pics hmmm? Bet they didn't think of that. And how dare they deny you your fuzzy butts. I'm going to have to write a very mean letter with like 10 frowny faces. Lol how that cheered you up some. Sadly I'm only have kidding lol. I didn't get any pics today was too rainy :(

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