Solved Can we keep AI photos off the site?

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Feb 27, 2020
Upstate Ny
Can we keep the obvious Ai pictures at least off the main page? I know it will be hard to police overall, but there are So many great real pictures of actual chicks and chickens to choose from.
I don't see the big deal, you have to ask permission to use real images and such so this seems easy. It's not as if they are trying to pass it off as a real photo...
Because it looks tacky? And obviously fake? There are hundreds of pictures on this site from the photo contests that the admin already have permission to use.
I have seen videos starting to pop up around YouTube which list chicken breeds that would be good for flocks, and they contain fake videos created by AI of mythical-looking chickens that are supposed to draw in viewers by their wild appearance. Things like this can trick people, even though they are so obviously fake, and make them impulse buy chickens without researching, or spread lies about breeds—both of which can easily result to animal cruelty when people do not realize how to properly care for chickens or any other animal. Stop the use of luring in viewers, readers and anybody else with AI-created fake material, and the Internet, as well as the real world effected by it, would be better off.
AI Photos genuinely creep me out.. I actually thought that was a real picture of the chick until I noticed it was AI, Its scary how convincing AI is and how realistic it is, And the fact you can only figure out if its ai if it gives a clue like a minor picture mistake or an off-vibe. I know its not THAT MUCH of a big deal but its still weird.
I have seen enough AI images that I can almost immediately pick out content created with AI. Like you said, there is some creepy vibe to it, plus the images just look wrong.
I have seen enough AI images that I can almost immediately pick out content created with AI. Like you said, there is some creepy vibe to it, plus the images just look wrong.
The picture looked real at first, But then I saw the lemon tree in the back that somehow is growing from a small pot, and then I looked at the chick, then realized it gave an off vibe.. and then I locked it in as ai when I saw that really small yellow thing next to the chick that seems to try to be some strawberry, The ai must have gotten tricked by all of the yellow and accidentally turned it yellow.
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