Solved Can we keep AI photos off the site?

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Just chickens? I agree with the rest of your comment, but not this part. I have seen people ask AI information on chickens and the AI provides false information. Things like that could make people unintentionally abuse their animals if they follow fake information. Chickens are living, breathing things that need to be taken care of.
I was just trying not to sound too harsh. AI is harmful at any level, anywhere, even with chickens.
Thanks for the feedback, well try harder to make sure our team is using authentic pics as much as possible!
Thank you admins for doing the right thing and changing it to a real photo, and for pledging to try harder in the future. I wish you'd commit to using authentic pictures always, not just "as much as possible".
Yes please!!! There is no good reason to use them other than laziness. The problems with AI are bigger than this forum. Let's not give in.

BYC has managed to exist for all these years without resorting to AI, and permissions don't seem to have been a problem in all that time. We'll be fine going as we have.

Really? The image isn't marked as generated by AI in any way, and it appears in a space where so far all of the images have been real photos. So the natural conclusion a user would draw is that this, too, is a real photo. You'd be surprised how many people can't tell the difference between real and fake, and that's what's scary. They can be manipulated to believe anything, because they "saw it in a photo". Yes, this is just chickens and at the end of the day not that serious, but by allowing AI to blur the line between real and fake on here, even an innocent chicken forum is contributing to the larger problem of blurring the line in general.

But the permission  is the big deal for AI. Most, if not all, AI is trained on images that would normally require permission to use, but without the permission of the originator of the image. Admittedly this is a bigger issue with drawings/illustrations, but its not like professional photographers who get paid for use of their photographs don't exist. Since this website doesn't pay to use photos anyway its not like they're taking away commissions by using AI generated images, but they are encouraging unethical AI practices if they are using images generated by AI that may have been trained without the copyright holders' permission.

Besides, as others have pointed out, it seems silly and even lazy to use AI when admin already has a plethora of real photographs to choose from. And while they may not be trying to pass the AI images off as real photos they also aren't explicitly marking them as AI. Plus, we are all aware of the issues that have been popping up with AI generated text (the Air Canada chat bot lawsuit for one prominent example) and if we are using AI images what's to say we're not using AI text in articles as well. It just casts a shadow of suspicion over the accuracy of information on the website as a whole.
It worries me that a sane person can not tell the difference between that photo and a real photo, yes some ai images look real but that is very obviously not real.
Amazing how a simple image of a fake chick can cause so much anger😂
It's not anger. It's a legitimate concern. Now that admin has shown that AI images are acceptable, it's inevitable that we start to see AI images in posts, AI content in articles, and even AI photos in contests. It doesn't fit the focus or intent of the site, but it will happen. Admin will now need to spend time on AI concerns that may or may not be legitimate.

I hope not, but strangely, humans will human.
It's not anger. It's a legitimate concern. Now that admin has shown that AI images are acceptable, it's inevitable that we start to see AI images in posts, AI content in articles, and even AI photos in contests. It doesn't fit the focus or intent of the site, but it will happen. Admin will now need to spend time on AI concerns that may or may not be legitimate.

I hope not, but strangely, humans will human.
People fuss about AI so much, perfect example of humans humaning 😅
People fuss about AI so much, perfect example of humans humaning 😅
Your saying this like this is bottom of the barrel, If you have so much giggling in your soul that you laugh at our concern you should probably just not respond at all, We take counterclaims, Not people making fools out of others from their legitimate concern, Just like how K0k0sha said, The image is only a fraction of the problem we complained about.
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