Can you help guess the sex?


9 Years
Dec 16, 2010
Carlsbad, California
I am very new to chicken-keeping and wondering if anyone wants to venture a guess on the gender of these two Lavender Ameraucanas! They would be about 8 and 9 weeks according to the source where I got them...THANKS so much for any help - I really appreciate it!
BTW, the smaller one has almost no feathers on the back end - I read somewhere that could be a male clue...
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I think they block new users from posting pictures at first... I think there was a problem with spam...
I have sent you an email, and would be happy to post the pictures for you.


SeaChicken – I think you have EEs not pure Ameraucanas – and I think this in part because both of your boys (sorry, yeah with combs that red I would be putting them in my cockerel grow-out pen) have a straight single comb . An Ameraucana should have a nice tight pea comb.

But I could be wrong, let see what the others think.



Penelope and Emma

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I got them from a breeder who didn't want them because of the straight comb - I don't care about that - I just want blue eggs and liked their feather color and personality - BUT I won't get blue eggs with roos!! The breeder told me that if they were both male, she would give me a pullet that had been
THANKS so very much for your help!
They are definitely NOT pure ameraucanas. Pea combs are dominant and shouldn't crop up in a *pure* ameraucana breeding program.

And they're both roos
I'm sorry, but you got swindled. Those are not pure ameraucana's, and they likely won't lay blue eggs. The blue egg gene is closely tied to the pea comb. You have a very minute chance of getting blue (there are very few exceptions), but most likely, they will lay brown eggs.
Well that's my lesson from Craigslist, I guess. I really appreciate all your input - We got 12 (stated) pullets from our local feed store (Hawthorne Country Store) three weeks ago and there is one SL Wyandotte with a suspiciously prominent and pink comb area, but otherwise I'm hopeful. The "Lavenders" are still being kept separately at his point. Who knows what will be their fate? I see how people get hooked on breeding, though.
Here's pix of our chix when we brought them home:
Thanks again, everyone!
Wanted to update you all on the gender situation - "Penelope" is now crowing in the morning and my husband is sharpening something in the garage. :rolleyes:The lady I bought them from gave me another PULLET (God willing) to make up for the fact that definitely Penelope and probably Emma are mis-named.
I will try to post a pic of her. So far, she seems to have the right comb AND gender!
I made the mistake of concocting a home-made treat for them and they are now acting like attack dogs
when I go out to their coop. Oats, sunflower seeds and flax - I hope it's good for them!!!
Nobody told me the hazard of wearing flip-flops around chickens that are expecting treats
That's MY TOE!!

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