Can you help me figure out the breeds of these three chicks?

Just came to me! How about you!:D
They’re named after characters in books written by women. Although Hermione may get renamed Draco because she’s a bully and I’m pretty sure she’s a he. 😔
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“ How often do hatcheries mess up sexing?” I’ve had three maybe four cockerels that were supposed to be pullets over the many years. In my experience not that many have been male so you have a small chance to get 7 in my opinion🙂 though good luck if there are 7!!😂
“ How often do hatcheries mess up sexing?” I’ve had three maybe four cockerels that were supposed to be pullets over the many years. In my experience not that many have been male so you have a small chance to get 7 in my opinion🙂 though good luck if there are 7!!😂
Yes, I wish there was a better system!
For anyone interested, they were all cockerels. Every single one of the five rare breed mix I ordered were cockerels. There was a silver Wyandotte, an olive Egger, a blue Andalusian, a Welsummer (😭), and a golden cuckoo Marans... cockerels. I had to go check that I hadn’t accidentally ordered males or straight run!

I’m still waiting on the resolution from the hatchery. It’s really thrown a wrench in my flock plan. Instead of a cohesive flock of a dozen hens and a rooster, I have seven hens, three roosters, and I had to give away three roosters I was attached to because I’d raised them like layers. I was lucky a friend wants one, but that means only one of the three she took in is going to live a full life. I adding a couple dozen more hens to balance the numbers. I’m really not sure how the hatchery can make this right.

Anyone want a golden cuckoo Marans rooster?


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