Can you keep chickens in your house

As funny as it sounds e bay sells chicken dippers

So someone must have chickens in the house
So ready for spring.
I have (reluctantly) one of my roosters inside as of today. Let everyone out yesterday and this guy didn't make it to the coop at night. He's my favorite, bantam cochin (avatar). We had an awful snowstorm and I found him in a tree soaking wet this morning. Put him back in the coop and he immediately got attacked. Feathers everywhere and blood. So... he's in a cage in the walk-out basement with wire floors and a pan underneath with shavings. Hope it'll be ok for him till spring, and hopefully I can reintroduce him w/o bloodshed. I'll be cleaning the pan everyday and just hoping he doesn't start crowing when we have company over... oh well.
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I used to keep show roosters (lt Brown Leghorns) in the cellar in the winter. The Princess did not approve.
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I don't understand why you would want to. It's livestock first and foremost. However people do keep pigs inside but they are highly intelligent and can be trained to go outside to relieve themselves.
We keep chickens in the house if they've been injured or need special care of some kind. We don't have any designated "house chickens" right now, but I wouldn't rule it out, you never know.
I live with two chickens in my house. We have a sultan roo who lost his feet to frostbite and a Japanese bantam that is too small to be with our other chickens.

They get very upset when they are not together, so they share a large storage container. In regards to cleaning the cage, we dump the box about once each week. This is during the summer though, during the winter, it has to be dumped about every 3-5 days.

Both of our birds have chicken diapers that they wear when they are loose in the house.

So in conclusion, you can keep chickens in your house, but the smaller the better. I would look into seramas or Japanese bantams.

P.S., I breed show quality serama chickens. They are available year round. Anyone interested can email me at:

[email protected]
I saw once where Tori Spelling (stupidly rich celebrity) had indoor chickens and she had diapers for them and little custom outfits. Chicken diapers lol
We have a hen that leaves her flock and stands at our sliding glass door waiting for treats. She'll come right in when we open the door. She is the friendliest, sweetest chicken! I can pick her up all the time and flip her over and hold her like a baby. She just sits there and talks to me. She never flaps her wings when I go to put her down. She is a big sweetie and I can tell she wants to hang out with us sometimes more than her flock. I just bought a chicken diaper and a dress for her and can't wait to get it. I can tell she wants in and I would just love to sit on the couch and relax with her. I think if your chicken wants inside then let it inside but if they want out then let them out. :)
Here is a picture of her just today riding in the 4Wheeler with the kids :)
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