Can you recognize the breed of these chicks?


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2022
Hi all, I’m new here and this is my first time posting, and also my first time raising chicks! I am wondering if anyone recognizes what breeds these little chicks might be? I got the eggs from a family friend, who has RIR production hens and roosters, and there is one leghorn/silkie mix rooster as well. Any ideas?


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Looks like the Leghorn/Silkie rooster is daddy to all of them. It appears to me that the fur is in all the chicks. Genetic traits that were passed down. You have a flock of chickens that is a mixed flock. There is no breed designation except, mixes. Often referred to as a barnyard mix.
Beautiful chickens regardless. :love
Post some more pictures as they grow older,, and will be able to narrow the guesses as to what their genetics hold.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
If all but the one rooster are production RIRs, then yes, I agree that the father has to be the Silkie mix. However, I see no Silkie traits at all in these chicks. Is it possible there were other breeds there, like sex links?

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