Can you tell me what kind of chickens these are?


6 Years
May 28, 2013
Sanford, NC
I picked up 3 new chicks at the Flock Swap over the weekend. Can anyone tell me what I have?

And can anyone tell if these are roos or hens?

d'uccle 1

d'uccle 2

Sultan 1

Sultan 2
Oh how funny! I met the lady who sold you your first chick! She seemed nice. :)
It is a white crested black polish. I cannot tell if it is a bantam or just really young standard.
Your second one makes me think of Ameraucana/Easter Egger, but I am probably wrong. :) Hopefully someone who knows better will come along!

The d'uccles both look like boys, sorry. :(

The sultans both look like pullets so far, but it may be too early to tell. How old are they?

Good luck with your chickies!
The Sultans are 6 weeks. I am hoping they are hens. I was hoping the D'uccles were too but as long as I do not have 4 roos I will be Happy. The woman who sold us the Black one was awesome. I am pretty sure she said what it was but I sure could not remember. Thank you for the help. I really like the Bantams and will most likely eventually only have them but I do like the standard size ones we have. They are so sweet and funny.
Well you'll have a better idea about their gender in a week or two. :)
I love how honest that lady was! I asked about her Delawares because if they were pullets I would've bought all three but she told me she was pretty sure they were all roosters. It was refreshing and the best person I've ever dealt with at a flock swap. I'm so glad you got to meet her. :)
I have a mixed flock of bantams and standards plus a turkey and having the standard sized eggs is nice. My roo is a bantam and is super nice to all my hens. :)
My grandmother gave my daughter the first ones, which started the fever. I never thought chickens could be so fun. We wanted a variety of breeds so we would have a variety of eggs. I keep saying it is a learning experience for my daughter but in all honesty...I am enjoying it just as much. The lady from the Swap did not promise me a hen but did her best to pick me a hen, so I am hoping. I do not see a comb or wattles so I am keeping my fingers crossed it is a hen. Thanks......
Your first picture is a little polish.

With your sex ID. your first D'Uccle - cockerel.
second - pullet
your first and second sultans - both pullets.


So glad you think the second d'uccle is a pullet! I was having a really tough time with that one. :)

Insomnia: I have the chicken addiction now too and I keep telling myself that I will sell eggs next year and chicks and stuff. :)
I also keep saying that if some apocalyptic event happened, I would not starve! ;)
Normal, right???

Holding out for your polish to be a pullet. Polish can be tough to sex sometimes. You will enjoy it either way, though! I have a mottled houdan (pictured in my avatar) who is HILARIOUS. Huge personality. :)
I was looking at that. Wondered what it was. I am excited to see how our chicks turn out. I hope they stay as friendly as they are now. I was reading some other posts so it seems as long as we keep interacting with them they should stay that way. Thank you for all the help.

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