can you travel with 4 week old chicks?

we did not know we were going on a 5 hour trip when we got them
If they have food, water and heat, they will be fine! Why would you take them?

You could sends pics and vids to family, which will be nicer for them to see they being happy at home, not cold, stressed and screaming in a car.

I understand if unplanned things are happening, I don't think anyone wants to 'be mean' here.
But I agree with the other posters, taking them would be a very bad plan :).
Leave them at home, they'll be fine with extra water and food. If you are planning to stay away more days ask someone trusted to check on them. Travels are stressful for chickens, and stress can be expecially harmful to chicks; they can get cold and stressed animals are more prone to diseases (for example, sometimes, stress can cause coccidiosis, that can be deathful for chicks)

Trilling chicks yay!!! & a death :(

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Feb 12, 2019281651186Canada
Just brought 6 Brahma chicks home ranging in age under a week to 3 week old. They are from a “color” breeding program so they aren’t light, farms or buff.

I let them into the brooder from the box & within a couple mins heard trilling. Is there A BETTER sound?!

5 seemed super content right off the bat & the youngest was not happy. I had to leave & come back 1.5 hours later & it was taking its last breaths. Pretty sure it was shipping stress (traveled in car 5 hours) & possibly suffocation as I noticed it was trying to huddle under the rest.

I pulled it out quickly & tried to warm it & get some chick vitamins into it but I was too late. Such is bringing home chicks I suppose.

I’ll post pics soon!

@Lemonbar this is the start of another thread read the 3rd paragraph VERY CAREFULLY it in forces what we are all saying....

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