Canadians check in here....


had any snow yet? i used to live in Iroquois Falls.

had any snow yet? i used to live in Iroquois Falls.

hi, a few flurries but nothing we can call snow, irratic fall weather as normal, -6 yesterday and plus 5 today ahahaha. I love living up here

had any snow yet? i used to live in Iroquois Falls.

hi, a few flurries but nothing we can call snow, irratic fall weather as normal, -6 yesterday and plus 5 today ahahaha. I love living up here

I love it too, and miss it terribly, hence my username
hahahaha, last night before going to bed I checked the weather network online and its calling for 1 cm of snow on tuesday, 1-3 on wednesday and 5 cm on thursday...we should have refrained from bringing the S word up. LOL
I'm near Ottawa but out in the booneys. No snow yet but last night the light drizzle looked far too solid for my likings.

That time of year again, say it aint so!

Actually- I do not mind snow and cold. I mind it being dark at 5pm. I do NOT want daylight savings times to come
hey jonny, nice to see you here! i no longer go to the other site
so i am here

Why no ACE? Just got bored of it were there some drams I need to hear about? lol!
I feel your pain, but early nightfall means early bedtime for my kids. its always so hard to argue with my DD about bedtime in the summer. And then she stays awake for hours cause its not dark out yet she says. LOL....

the way I see it, snow is coming...bug relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now its dealing with those darn house flies doesn't matter how tightly closed everything is they still manage to get in and it drives me crazy!! Winter Also means, hot chocolate, ice skating and tobogganing with the kids, Snow mobiling too. :-D

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